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The Surreal 2 & 1/2 inches.


Page: 12(3)

17:21 / 20.06.03
I see. We C.
19:42 / 20.06.03
(a magpie lands on the window sill in front of me, knocks its beak on the glass, making me jump)

So there is nothing to say intwo somethings. A simple admission - guilty as charged - is inadmissable in a court of law. Any explanation is selling Satan or preaching Christ to the nation. You wanna know, I wanna no because we are family and famiLies and any action is something like a mission, creating social fission, defining me as other, always other, never brother. Love is silence, speech is violence.
21:12 / 20.06.03
And when i was here before i simply changed my clothes. A disguise in order to hang with the guys. Sew maybe what some say is true: all i need is a new pair of shoes.
17:44 / 21.06.03
I watch it. The animal’s brain waves and particles of blood, tar, light, gold, silver, shit, water, air – it’s all there and the unnamable is witnessing from the future in the spaces in between. The pattern is predictable and automatic – the observer watches, records, sleeps in fits, while the soul is demoralized from imprisonment imposed by self-hypnosis. I watch it. The drama, the recoil, the drama. I watch it. In the interval between the habitual we know the future, the machine will be overthrown, the coup is set to coincide with a sudden change in environment – habits broken before they have a chance to adjust, a rapture in the blink of an eye, control regained in a sudden sunrise, soul restored to power in an hour, rewind switches to fast forward. It has already happened. I’ve seen it.
Strange Machine Vs The Virus with Shoes
22:25 / 21.06.03
It was too late to save the meat pie but at least we managed to save the shelf unit. Which we ate, regurgitated, and fed to our offspring, when we returned to the nest.
14:29 / 22.06.03
Yep, that too. And: Phantom father has no bite, mother mirage offers no comfort - a baby bird buried as still born by memories of dirt? Was death a dream?
—| x |—
21:31 / 22.06.03
Opening the sky was falling not with water or well wishing but with the best of bombs and ballistics—a precision production of TNT’s terminally truncating trade. And how would it really be? Not at all awe like on TV but short sustained shock if caught in inferno’s furious fires and extended and insistent agony in beds of blood and body parts gone to pieces or cloths draped covering coffins carried on backs of real grievance’s no camera can capture or second-hand tale can spin. Are they crispy on the outside but soft and gooey in the center? How does God get the caramel inside?

“Decide!” he cried, “Pick your side—with us or against us (“with them” in silent parentheses)!” And it’s never understood that in the choosing in the deciding in the decision to decide what side to take or fake or bake or make—go jump in the lake!—we create the side that defines the side that rhymes the side that tries to climb up our backs and come over here to steal all our jobs or mail us anthrax or blow shit up or create terror and havoc and panic and hysteria and fear and loathing and it’s all so true and real because there it was in my living room on a tiny fifty inch screen—not at all or in any way the day that they had, them there, those tiny people, living inside that black rectangular box, being fed by the lines that run through walls and underground or trail to dishes that cast for fishes riding the delight of wave’s frequencies and amplitudes, crests and waves rising and falling: a trough of discourse spoken by all things everywhere, but these particular fishes being netted by the dishes adorned from where they’re born via satellite stars’ silent orbit above.

And if it rains today and the skies are dark and the wind is howling can that compare to the plunge of munitions’ strikes against structures (both living and inanimate) where the skies are soaked in thick black smoke that chokes with charred flesh, to the say the most of the least toxic—don’t forget flaming plastics and treated manufactured materials: a soup so thick you could eat it with a fork, and the howling we’d here would be the wailing of the wounded or the births of the blasts or living for the dead. But we can turn it all off in a way they never can or simply leave to sit and shit as we wipe our asses with the brand that needs to be squeezed—much like they need to be squeezed over there.
—| x |—
07:59 / 23.07.03
Are you keeping track of the clickty clack or of the slack in the streets or of the knife in my back or of the strife in the smack? Are you watching the war of the bore? It’s a chore—a whore of little lips sink radar blips the tits of Tam are Titanic. A manic watermelon belly mutton chop suey—phooey on you—E! Try as you might it all goes KABLOOIE! My books are over dewy lawns and lanes it rains when it pours but we’ll come back to the rack for more ‘cause the blood doesn’t burn if you never learn but it will boil till Hell’s bells are cracked in the dead spinal coliseum if you keep on hangin’ on to what you won’t be seein’. But no matter is dead ‘cause it’s all in your head—the live wire of desire is the most phoenix fuel to fuck on the fire. It ain’t no liar on down when we went to town and the cucks and the kooks and the cooks and the mutes all shouted bloody girder to build the bomb not dropped or launched but lunched in the belly—a guttural retribution of phantasmagoric prostitution. The iris of spice is the fuse’s device no lice in my bear the world is not fair, but what do you expect without giving respect where it’s not due but only two avoid the rue with the rub a dub tub: I’ll be.
Strange Machine Vs The Virus with Shoes
23:04 / 26.07.03
The example set by Edward may be premature.. The parasite longs for the fulfilment of all our rolls. The Tantric mantra erupted and enveloped my greasy knee. Smothered it in glee and half-baked theories relating to Elvis Presley. Monitered by castrated whores, is there an answer?
—| x |—
18:13 / 27.07.03
Why yes there isn't if we state the vector spin wave conjunction spread out on toast in a coastline's wind and fins. The sharks that swim in the pond have all gone bong in the booth. A bell tings in flings of throes of rations: the element is helium (as if we didn't grow) for country slide museums. I went stopping and couldn't bind what I hadn't been!
15:10 / 02.08.03
15:13 / 02.08.03
surrendered to objective consensus = no reason to live and nothing to say

Sorry Everyone
Strange Machine Vs The Virus with Shoes
23:47 / 02.08.03
Today’s news headlines:

Vermin slate angry pavement. SHOCKER!

Jesus: I was only joking!

Hammersmith flyover reverts to vegetable status.

Velcro illegal in China!

Bobby Davro funny. SHOCKER!
Melissa & Ev
18:08 / 10.08.03
Drowning in a pool of thoughts and fears, I am screaming to be heard. My voice. My voice. I’ve lost my voice and cannot speak. Instead the toy tops are spun and spun and the rats run so quickly I can’t keep up, I can’t keep up. listen to me. Listen to me. Who are you talking to? And I thought you had no voice. Well, she said, one’s voice lies in the movement of silence and in the movement of silence everything is heard. Don’t be so afraid to go to sleep. I will listen.
—| x |—
13:16 / 16.08.03
Forty ever. Yes, fore ewe, so listen and don’t see with eyes that are slanted in slopes of self loathing misery, see? You don’t owe me, you only know me, and not even that, ‘cause who am I after all? I’m still working on that one myself! Not much more, I suppose in my sheep’s clothes, than another human husk burning away in the light of the sun. Circles. We move in them. And not you and I or rather, not only you and I, but her and him and them and there and here and everywhenwherewhohowmachinebootstrapgo! So I know that you know that there is no back or front to sink a sharp stick into or a shard of glass or coal or foals. We all choose, we all decide: freedom is what we make of our drearily predictable activities, after none. So I don’t feel that there’s a deal, and I’ve said as much be for yourself—even if you don’t know who that is or isn’t or what. If you know when you are who you aren’t, then you must also know who you are, or at least have an inkling, a tinkling, a ringing in the ear. And it’s OK that you’re not near ‘cause, I hope, we’ll always be dear, even when we’re doing queer and not clicking or tricking, riding or rowing. I’m good with it all and I want to be showing that there’s no worries to fear or scurries to tear. Things are fine in the dark of light, when sun is shining behind the yonder. We can’t see it yet, but the spine knows it’s curve.
19:26 / 16.08.03
fore four for.

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