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Yet another hugs thread - warning, Bengali is gibbering - ignore if you don't like self-indulgence

Goodness Gracious Meme
14:47 / 09.11.02
Feel like I do this all the time around here, and know that there's alot of crap going on for other people, alot of which makes my stuff seem minor but (and can hear Angel shouting at me for saying that I know if it was someone else I'd be telling them that there's no point setting up hierarchies of pain) I'm asking for a bit of love right now.

Feel like crap and am very scared. I know this is my own fault, as due to a bit of a slump I've run out of anti-depressants and not gone for more.. but am also seriously doubting my sanity...I've found out recently that I've probably done some pretty awful stuff to my family and the scary thing is I'm not actually sure whether I've done it or not.

The pills I'm on apparently have memory loss as a potential side effect but thinking there may be whole chunks of stuff I can't remember is really bloody frightening. Am wondering if my own assessment of my mental state as being pretty precarious has been being over-kind and that I need serious help. That if I have done the things I think i've done, something really seriously wrong is going on . Have even considered admitting myself to hospital over the last couple of days, and while I do have enough clarity to keep reminding myself that this is probably the effect of coming off my anti-depressants, it's fucking terrifying to get to this point.

I'm sick of being ill, mad, sick, unhappy - and incidentally this is why I come down so hard on people who think angst and depression make you clever/cool. They don't - the overriding feeling right now is one boredom and tedium. I've *done* this -to death. Am sick of feeling like this, of felling unable to trust myself.

There's so much I want to get on with, to do with my life. After not knowing what to do with my life *forever*, I now have so many plans and aspirations and dreams...Its so fucking frustrating getting to the point where managing to brush my teeth and make a cup of coffee feels like a major achievement. And that I know I should be being kind to myself and saying that if it's all I can manage, that's fine... but would you want to see things in those terms?

Ironically, this coming around a couple of long talks over the last day or so that have made me realise that alot of stuff that I'd taken on as being my fault and been lacerating myself over recently is actually down to other people's problems, stuff that I tried to deal with and couldn't, or wasn't allowed to. So am feeling in an odd way liberated from alot of guilt...

So swinging between these two positions, feeling like that I'm trying to sort myself out, and over the last couple of years have done so with some success, but that my progress is fucking precarious and can disappear, just like that.

Thanks for listening. This is tres self-indulgent but is a personal thing of trying to get better at asking people for kindess.


(Incidentally Mordant or JtB will probably tell me there's one already, but woudln't Hierarchies of Pain be a great name for a goth band? )
14:57 / 09.11.02
Archives of Pain is a cheerful Manics ditty.

Big crushing bear hug, Bengali. When we gonna see you in person so I can give you a real one? You're always welcome.

Only a twat would argue that "show me love threads" are annoying. If you need it, we got plenty of love to give. Kiss on the cheek.
15:13 / 09.11.02
Lots of hugs from me. You can call me any time, you know?
autopilot disengaged
15:19 / 09.11.02
sheesh - i am some hugslut at the moment...

will call you tonite - dr.disengaged prescribes dancin' till you can't dance no more...
15:30 / 09.11.02
Just read your post more thoroughly: coming off anti depressants in the way you have is going to make you feel crummy, okay? Get yourself to the doc first thing on Monday for a new prescription, things will be a lot less skewed when you've restored the chemical inbalance that's making you feel so bad right now.

I would say that the last thing you should do right now is get pissed - as you know, alcohol can be a terrible depressant, and it will make everything worse. Look after yourself - in a big way - you have a lot of friends, a lot of support. It's okay to use em.
Goodness Gracious Meme
15:32 / 09.11.02
cheers all. and sfd, you're quite right about the pills thing - will sit in the bloody surgery all day if neccessary, think i need to see my doc as well, have been waiting on pyschotherapy referral for ages...

Absolutely no alcohol. Think dancing and many cigarettes if I'm in need of a drug might be the script. (and have a circus workshop tomorrow morning which sounds like the most ideal thing in the world right now - it totally zones me out - , so want to be fit for that...)
Goodness Gracious Meme
15:35 / 09.11.02
Also realising how useful a blog is for perspective, given that my memory's buggered, it's really useful for me to have tangible evidence that a year ago, 6months ago, last week I felt great, and had lots of good stuff going on. Really reassuring and udnerlines that this is temporary, stops me looking 5minutes ahead and deciding this is my whole life.

so feeling a bit better from that as well.

Thanks so much for the support, people. This place amazes me at times.

15:44 / 09.11.02
Yeah, that's a good strategy. In the past, I've waited until I feel good and then written loads of positive statements about myself, put em next to my bed and read them when I feel bad. It really worked for me.
Bill Posters
16:16 / 09.11.02
Huggles to you, Bengali.
16:16 / 09.11.02
Aww no! You rock! You shouldn't be made to feel unhappy! You rock!

May I suggest beating small children with large sticks? And calling them wankers? God, I love beating small children with large sticks and calling them wankers so much...
Rollo Kim, on location
17:04 / 09.11.02
Sending good vibes your way Plumbsbaby!!! See you in January (hopefully) for some artcrime therapy!
Less searchable M0rd4nt
17:09 / 09.11.02
Think of ring-tailed lemurs.

I've just been to a wildlife park type thing. They had all these ring-tailed lemurs running around loose. I watched them prancing across the grass, waving their tails; bounding up trees with effortless grace. Dozens of ring-tailed lemurs.
Strange Machine Vs The Virus with Shoes
17:52 / 09.11.02
Hugs to you Bengali, I hope you make yourself better.
17:59 / 09.11.02
Hugs the size of several small continents (and thats a lot of hugs). And plenty of fruit based drinks - smoothies always make me feel a smidgen better in a world of confusion.
Cherry Bomb
18:03 / 09.11.02
Oh, honey.... I'm so sorry to hear this. I know you will get through this. Please accept some big hugs from me, and also I'll give you a call tomorrow to see how you are doing.

Take care
Goodness Gracious Meme
19:42 / 09.11.02
thank you all. you're lovely. and I'm feeling slightly calmer about it all. am on my way to pick up medication and thence to dance the night away with suds and auto. still know I've got to take care of myself and be very careful, and still a little wobbly...

but reading this helps loads. thanks all.

and I like the idea of art(crime)therapy very much indeed, Rollochick...
21:02 / 09.11.02
Hugglage. If indeed there is such a word. And if not, hugglage anyway.
The Return Of Rothkoid
21:48 / 09.11.02
Hugs for you.
22:26 / 09.11.02
Snuggle huggles, sugar. With a little hair scruffling to boot.
Spatula Clarke
23:42 / 09.11.02
Offering my own huggles now, after all those that have gone before me, feels a little surplus to requirements. I do a fine line in shnubblies, if that's any use.
Linus Dunce
23:48 / 09.11.02
Hugs. Don't be scared.
Eloi Tsabaoth
00:06 / 10.11.02
Ach, you're all a big buncha goddamn hippies.
Which, of course, is fantastic.
Tryphena Absent
00:11 / 10.11.02
Great big massive hugs bigger than the world.
Tryphena Absent
00:11 / 10.11.02
And you're not at all self-indulgent!
Pepsi Max
01:21 / 10.11.02
Just the facts ma'am

1. Lots of people - in real life and here on the board - love you and are rooting for you.

2. Please get back on some kind of medication. Whilst you may be scared about the side-effects, the alternatives might well be worse.

3. Remember all these feelings are temporary. All the pain, all the despair isn't here for forever. The good times WILL roll again.
Cliff and Ferry Street
12:07 / 10.11.02
You ask, you receive. Kindness coming your way.

I agree that excessive dancing sounds like an excellent idea. I've tried that to self-medicate when I've been down, but not so down I couldn't handle the thought of getting out of bed. It did seem to help a bit.

If you're into that sort of thing you could also try running. At some point, the mind just switches off. You sort of become the motion, and feel like you could go on forever and no other way of being exists in the world or is relevant in any respect. It can be really great, and because you're not dependent on music like with dancing, it can feel more as though you're using your own inner magical engine or whatever. It's empowering, is what I'm trying to say.

Hugs and such to you, as well. And a “Hi, my name is Cliff and Ferry Street, pleasure to make your acquaintance,” because hugs from strangers are creepy.
Kit-Cat Club
12:17 / 10.11.02
Drat, I wasn't here yesterday to see this... gah. But it looks from your blog as if you're feeling a bit more the thing - I certainly hope so. Hugs, come to Oxford if you like, change of scenery might help perhaps?
Baz Auckland
13:38 / 10.11.02
Hugs! I had a dream two nights ago that you were in Galway with me and my dad! Odd! An uneventful dream as it just involved trying to book a package tour. Anyways...
Cat Chant
19:16 / 10.11.02
Hugs, babe. You are very, very brave. As brave as a lion. And you are loved by ring-tailed lemurs, ginger bureaucrats for the revolution, low-sugar soft drinks, and many other categories of entity. And one day it will be sunny again.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
19:22 / 10.11.02
Are you eating nuts? Nuts are good for chasing off that infamous sable pooch. Selenium and omega-threes and whatnot. Actually, are you eating? Food food, not just fill-the-gap-with-whatever's-handy food?
rizla mission
13:19 / 11.11.02
The pills I'm on apparently have memory loss as a potential side effect but thinking there may be whole chunks of stuff I can't remember is really bloody frightening.


Fuck. that's really horrible.

Happened to me once for a few days, due to diabetes-related blacking out, during which I somehow carried on moving.. and feeling like the protagonist of a Philip K. Dick book and wondering if I'd suddenly gone insane was no fun at all..

Best of luck!
captain piss
15:20 / 11.11.02
crumbs- that memory loss business does sound a bit rough

You've popped up in a couple of my dreams too, bengali- you're clearly a large avatar in the aetheric domains (or something). Dunno if i told you the one where you had a nice flat in Brighton and an amazing pet cat that could play darts (!)

But take care, mate- astral huggling and general well-wishing heading your way
15:23 / 11.11.02
Mordant is right about Omega 3 and Omega 6 - nuts, seeds, cod liver oils (if you can). Flax seeds (freshly ground), too.
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