(from Urban75), thought this might appeal to a few people round here...
Women Speak Out!
Manchester 22 - 24th November
A weekend gathering of women activists from all kinds of movements and backgrounds to meet and exchange experiences, views and ideas. All women are very welcome!
Women Speak Outs aim to provide a welcoming and most of all inspiring environment in which to spend time with other women, to learn from each other, and to develop ideas and actions. There'll be a wide variety of workshops, discussions, skills sharing, networking, campaign information and socialising.
The gathering will take place in MERCi - Manchester Environmental Resource Centre - situated at 22a Beswick Street, Ancoats, Manchester.
For directions of how to get there, please visit MERCi's website:
Sleeping will generally be on the floor - please bring your own mats and sleeping bags. Alternative accommodation will be available for those who need it- please contact us in advance to arrange it.
You are welcome to bring children, there'll be a self-organised kids-space.
If you are bringing dogs, you have to tell us in advance.
If you have any special needs please get in touch beforehand, so that we can provide for your needs. The building is wheelchair accessible. We are looking for women who could work as signers for those with hearing impairments.
Workshops will be very diverse, ranging from topics such as Women and Asylum, Biodiesel and electrics, Feminism and Islam, Drumming, Self-defence, Non-violent Direct Action, Facilitation, Domestic Violence to Herbal Abortion & Contraception.
However, we need you to make these happen - so if you have any ideas for workshops or would like to run one, please get in touch!
We'll be asking for a £10 donation for the weekend including vegan food.
To find out more, to offer workshops or to get involved in the organisation, contact us:
Tel: 0161 227 8086
Mobile: 07753 606723
Post: WSO Manchester, Dept 29, 22a Beswick Street, Ancoats, Manchester, M4 7HS |