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Virtual hugs, please

wembley can change in 28 days
07:01 / 08.11.02
Hey all -

A few days ago my mom called me and said she was going to have an operation to remove some tissue from her left breast - it was just fibrous tissue, not anything serious, but she called me to let me know anyway. My stepdad called me at midnight last night to say that the operation had gone well and mom has a good positive attitude, but they removed the whole breast because it was in fact cancer. She might be able to go home today, or she might need some chemotherapy. I'm still waiting to hear.

My great-aunt Rena had breast cancer in her early 50s (I think) and she lived to be 92 without any further problems, so I'm not terribly worried because they said it was contained, they got it all and they got it early.

Anyway, the last place I wanted to be last night was all alone in my apartment, and for the first time in my life I found myself wishing that Cancer could be personified in some way so I could go rip it to pieces. I can't believe they had to remove a piece of my mother. I don't know... she's a nurse, and she's in her 50s, she understands these things and she's a very positive person, but I always thought that losing one breast to cancer would be one of the most demoralizing possibilities in life.

So, any virtual hugs will be passed on to my mother. And anyone who knows a lot about breast cancer and recovery, anything I can pass on to her would be good. I'm already considering getting my first mammogram at 25.
08:04 / 08.11.02
Virtual hugs to your mother, and to yourself as well. I hope once she's over the initial shock, that's she's okay as can be. The same goes for you as well.

I don't know any details specifically but there has gotta be a network of support groups for women who have undergone experiences like your mother's - might wanna contact Breast Campaign UK for some advice.

And a quick google produced list of resources

Hope some of that helps. All the best to you and yours.
08:21 / 08.11.02
Virtual hugs. I have no medical knowledge on the subject, but the virtual hugs are yours/hers.
jUne, a sunshiny month
08:26 / 08.11.02
wembley, tons and myriads of hugs to you and your mum.

my aunt (one of my mother's numerous sister) went through it (removing breast + chimio) when she was only 30 and sumthin, and i know it was quite hard for her, as she was afraid of potential partner reactions... which was great cause she met somebody really cool who doesn't give a shit about this tiny physical lack, and, more important, who spent hours and days in explaining that no, no, no, her feminity wasn't "gone away" with this piece of her.

she's fine by now, and everybody in the family went to test, too. (quite normal reaction, i suppose).
my grand ma got bad news as she 's been told that she can get the same shit, but she's +90 and except some colon and intestine problems that makes us afraid but which have nothing to do with "our topic", she's fine, as all the womens of my family.

it's not this easy but it's not something that people should be afraid of when checked at good times; the main thing, it's to check, i think. so i'll think of you and your family, if you check it, W.
take care
Kit-Cat Club
08:37 / 08.11.02
Oh, wembley, how unutterably ghastly for you all. Very many hugs for all of you.

Courage, ma brave.
wembley can change in 28 days
10:20 / 08.11.02
Thanks all, for the kind words. It really does help, considering that I'm oceans away from all friends and family (except some new friends, that is).
Linus Dunce
10:56 / 08.11.02
It happened to my aunt, who is so cool about it she can't be bothered to wear the fake one some days. Hope your ma takes it in her stride as well. Hugs.
11:12 / 08.11.02
No expertese just hugs and warm vibes from over here
11:21 / 08.11.02
Hundreds of hugs, wembley.
The Strobe
11:24 / 08.11.02
Courage and hugs from here, too. Similar thing happened to our next-door neighbour at home, took us all by surprise, but everything appears to have gone as well as could be hoped. But it's an awful shock, so all the best not just for now, but for the future.
Pepsi Max
12:41 / 08.11.02
Cancer in th family. Traumatic thing. Lots of love. And keep each other as safe and supported as you can.
Baz Auckland
12:44 / 08.11.02
hugs to you!
14:14 / 08.11.02
When my mother underwent a mastectomy years and years ago, one of her doctors afterward told her this: "Symmetry is not beauty."
It's true, you know.
Be well, and don't hesitate to PM or post if you need anything.
The Return Of Rothkoid
14:32 / 08.11.02
You got em.
Goodness Gracious Meme
14:33 / 08.11.02
Hugs, all the hugs I have for your mother *and* you. Keep safe and take care, hon.
Cherry Bomb
15:36 / 08.11.02
Hugs to you and your mom and your family, wembley. Take care.
Naked Flame
15:42 / 08.11.02
hugs and sympathy. it's a scary thing to go through.
16:55 / 08.11.02
many hugs and all good things to your mom and to you
16:58 / 08.11.02
{{{{Big healing huggles}}}}

Loads of love to you and yours, Wembley.
autopilot disengaged
18:39 / 08.11.02

do not pass 'go', do not collect $200, go straight to *HUGS*
Less searchable M0rd4nt
07:49 / 09.11.02
Big hugs to you, wembly. Sounds like you're being much more grown up about this than I could ever manage. My best wishes for you and your family.
22:29 / 09.11.02
Hugs galore, Wemb, and best wishes to your mother.
Eloi Tsabaoth
00:40 / 10.11.02
Belated Bizhugs.
Strange Machine Vs The Virus with Shoes
01:49 / 10.11.02
Hugs to you and your mum wembly.

When my Granny had cancer she was in her 60’s but lived for another 10 years. I believe it was here young grandchildren that kept her alive, wanting to see them grow and contact with them. So I think that the psychological influence has a lot to do with cancer recovery.
Cliff and Ferry Street
12:33 / 10.11.02
Virtual hugs to you and mom.
Our Lady of The Two Towers
15:02 / 10.11.02
Many, many flappings of the rare Huggles butterfly wings, causing an outbreak of warm vibes in your area...
wembley can change in 28 days
05:19 / 11.11.02
Wow - you guys rock almost as much as my mother. I spoke to her on the phone yesterday, and the crazy woman practically said "it's a good thing I had this operation because there might be something wrong with one of my kidneys and i never would have known!", just as if she were arranging flowers for a wedding and the erroneously delivered roses happened to match the decor even better.

She's gone and read The Anatomy of the Spirit by Caroline Myss (a book on intuitive healing - she's definitely one for that stuff when it counts), and basically this woman has No Fear. She lectured me some about mammograms (no need on that one), and she's switched to a special diet full of antioxidants (apparently there is a Breast Cancer Diet out there), but nobody in my family can believe how well she sounds. I don't care if everything in that book is complete made-up hogwash - it sure worked this time.

So thanks all for the hugs, they are passed on. i love you individually and as a group.
Lilith Myth
06:47 / 11.11.02
hugs to you and your family. Sounds like your mom is doing good, emotionally, and I think that makes a big difference to dealing with cancer.
Cat Chant
07:03 / 11.11.02
And hugs from Deva. Well done your mum - she sounds strong and groovy which, as people have said, makes a big difference. I am full of good wishes & admiration for you both & indeed your whole family, both blood & chosen.
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