wembley, tons and myriads of hugs to you and your mum.
my aunt (one of my mother's numerous sister) went through it (removing breast + chimio) when she was only 30 and sumthin, and i know it was quite hard for her, as she was afraid of potential partner reactions... which was great cause she met somebody really cool who doesn't give a shit about this tiny physical lack, and, more important, who spent hours and days in explaining that no, no, no, her feminity wasn't "gone away" with this piece of her.
she's fine by now, and everybody in the family went to test, too. (quite normal reaction, i suppose).
my grand ma got bad news as she 's been told that she can get the same shit, but she's +90 and except some colon and intestine problems that makes us afraid but which have nothing to do with "our topic", she's fine, as all the womens of my family.
it's not this easy but it's not something that people should be afraid of when checked at good times; the main thing, it's to check, i think. so i'll think of you and your family, if you check it, W. 
take care |