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Anyone want their ass kicked?

01:14 / 07.11.02
01:15 / 07.11.02
Bah! Link didn't work. Or, indeed, exist.

Try here.
Murray Hamhandler
01:35 / 07.11.02

I Is this for real? I don't even have an opinion. I'm just...stupified. Stupified by the auction's very existence, and even moreso that there are people actually bidding. Wow.
Cliff and Ferry Street
02:16 / 07.11.02
This could be a useful service as far as giving members of certain demographic groups some peace of mind. Masochistic tendencies, yeah? There for a reason. Paying for it probably adds insult to injury and makes the whole ass-kicking doubly effective.

Can't you just see it, though? The whole concept is so cinematic I can't believe I haven't seen this in a picture.

I'm afraid I love it.
07:02 / 07.11.02
This reminds me of something I read in Metro recently about people being paid to be randomly kidnapped.

Sounds like a wind up to me. I'm unfamilar with Ebay netiquette but has he really only been offered $1.75?

It may be legal in the states but I don't think it go down well over here, recalling the precedent of the Spanner Trial. Does anyone know of any up to date info on this topic, or how legislation works in the case of things like extreme sports etc?

And also - what's to stop you putting your best mate's name down?
08:39 / 07.11.02
Yeah, I read that thing about people being paid to be kidnapped too. As Cliff says, cinematic. As fuck.

But still pretty fucking bizarre by anyone's standards.
09:44 / 07.11.02
Judging by the date on the page, it's a fake. Still very funny though.
captain piss
11:17 / 07.11.02
This kind of reminds me of a GK Chesterton story i've been reading

A man who feels this desire for a varied life pays a yearly or quarterly sum to the Adventure and Romance Agency; in return, the Adventure and Romance Agency undertakes to surround him with startling and weird events. As a man is leaving his front door, an excited sweep approaches and assures him of a plot against his life; he gets into a cab, and is driven to an opium den; he receives a mysterious telegram or a dramatic visit, and is immediately in a vortex of incidents
12:05 / 07.11.02
Kidnap fantasies are verrry common. It makes sense that someone's spotted a marketing niche.
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