You may think the Bush admin are evil, shortsighted and...well, evil, but it would be a huge mistake to misunderestimate their intelligence. Or, I suppose, if you would prefer to reserve the word "intelligence" for progressive, intellectual type things, you shouldn't underestimate their cunning.
Knowing that the election results, whatever they would be, would certainly trump any other news stories, the Bushies took the time Tuesday to axe SEC Chairman Harvey Pitt. Officially, it was a "resignation", but any durn fool know that's just a face-saving device for Bush's team, which, on the whole, has held together remarkably well for the first 2 years. no cabinet defections, I mean.
Oh, and three of the US Navy's largest cargo ships have embarked for "parts unknown" (also known as "Qatar", which if you believe the Christian Science Monitor, just fended off a coup attempt) ladened with - who knows. According to the article "the vessels are capable of carrying 58 Abrams battle tanks, 48 track vehicles, such as armored vehicles, and 900 other trucks. "
What's next on the Republican agenda? Bush's judiciary nominations will be pushed through, the tax cut will be made permanent, more tax cuts, social security privatization (excuse me, "personal accounts for younger workers"), and a push to move welfare-esque assistance to the needy from the government to "faith-based organizations." That's if we're lucky.
Expect the stock market to go bananas today on the news of the election results, and also as Greenspan and buddies lower interest rates again. |