Slovakia and human rights: Haven't got time to look for links etc. but several years ago I travelled around Slovakia with a friend who was a journalist for a Central European publication. She told me that Slovakia had one of (if not the) highest proportion of gypsies in the world. They (the gypsies) were economically and politically marginalised, and as with many groups in that position, suffered problems of disadvantage in the employment market, poverty, police victimisation, murder etc. There are numerous accounts of gypsies being the victims of state sanctioned violence, and their complaints being swept under the carpet by the authorities. And yet, as is often the case with politically and economically marginalised groups, gypsies filled the jails in disproportionate numbers. I gather there are all sorts of complex and conflicting arguments about it - the gypsies say they are discriminated against, some non-gypsies say "they choose to live this way, they are criminals and have no-one but themselves to blame." I have no facts or figures available, so do take what I say as simply a recollection of conversations I had several years ago. One thing I can say is that if you drive into any moderate sized Slovakian town you can tell from miles away which is the gypsy side of town - the "wrong side of the tracks" is graphically obvious from quite a distance. There is a visible de-facto residential apartheid - the extent to which this is custom, preference, discrimination, state-sanctioned etc etc I do not know. It is as obvious as the nose on your face though, regardless of the reasons for it. FWIW my friend the journalist, who was immensely knowledgable about the region, and who had no particular agenda or axe to grind, was firmly of the view that gypsies WERE discriminated against.
Refugees: I do know that many Slovakians (I believe largely Slovakian gypsies) claim asylum in the UK. More than that I do not know. Fat lot of use that is to you, but I'm sure there's some info on this on the Net.
Environment: Again, I know virtually nothing about this, but I seem to recall that Czeckoslovakia, as it then was, had large deposits of "brown" coal which sends up a load of shit into the environment when burnt.
I can't imagine this helps a great deal, but make of it what you will. I imagine the best that can be said is that it might help you focus your research. In terms of "human rights" and "refugees" I think the words "gypsy" might be the starting point for your research.
Incidentally, if it's not too much to ask, I would be interested myself in what you turn up. If you find any interesting links do post them or PM them to me.
And good luck with your mini-United Nations debate. |