The 'not for girls' campaign was launched last year, I think, with a series of telly ads in which women walked into newsagents disguised as brickies and other macho types in an attempt to 'illegally' obtain the men-only chocolate bar.
There could be any number of reasons for this particular gag, some of which include:
- taking the piss out of previous 'Yorkie = very butch' adverts, in a "yes, we know it was crap, and are therefore as sussed as you, Jo Public" stylee
- responding to recent reports that Mars Bars were to be advertised to appeal more to women
- encouraging women to buy more Yorkies in a "ha, I'll bloody show you!" stylee
- exploiting reaction against recent "men are dim and women are brillliant" trend in advertising
That's all I can think of, off the top of my head. |