I don't particularly want to rehash the "Democrats: same as Republicans" argument here, as although, you're right Jack, the party is certainly to right of where it should be (according to my personal preferences), but the idea of the Republicans gaining control of the Senate today is certainly giving me the willies. So, yeah democrats! today, even though my vote will do little to affect than national scene today.
Voting Issues-
Aside from the ridiculous gerrymandering both parties engage in during redistricting, which makes the government much less responsive to the people, (I've read that there are only 50 truly competitive House races this year, due to redistricting. I believe only Iowa has a non-partisan committee drawn up congressional districts, but anyone with info to the contrary, post, post, post) people are truly worried about GOP tactics to lower turnout (see here for examples,voter fraud watchers from both parties are out in full effect today. We probably won't know the true results for several days, barring lawsuits.
And Drudge reports that in Florida, some of the new computerized voting machines are not registering votes for Bill McBride . |