He should just shut up or change his name
That's a bit harsh though, surely ? Adams is, what, Twenty Eight, Twenty Nine so ( trying to do the 'math' here, ) he must have had to listen to Bryan-related gags pretty much every single day since he was about Seven. So that's twenty odd years, and it must have been even worse once he told his friends he was going to be a musician - I don't know if it's fair to blame him for being a bit sensitive on the subject, especially in the face of some sort of corruscating wit who was presumably sitting there, pissed, repeatedly and loudly asking for 'Summer Of '69,' or some such. Bearing in mind that there's probably 'always one,' or at least the possibility anyway, it must get, y'know, a touch wearing. And he did give the guy his money back...
Granted, Adams was a bit over-hyped a couple of years ago, but it doesn't seem to have translated into major sales so far, so he's in the unfortunate position of not, I'm guessing, living in a mansion in the Hollywood hills just yet, but on the other hand, being a perceived easy target for everyone who shops in Rough Trade, or the US equivalent, possibly more frequently than is possibly really all that good for their general sanity.
And let's face it, and without wishing to be aversive here, why the f should Adams change his name ? I have an even sillier name, IRL, but you're sort of stuck with it. To pretend otherwise is, if you're even remotely famous ( I'm, er, 'working' on that - it may take some time, ) to invite some yellow yard-dog journo to 'lift the lid' at some point in the future, and who needs that ?
I'm sort of inviting all kinds of opprobium to rain down on head by saying this, but I still think 'Love Is Hell ( Pts 1 & 2 )' is excellent. |