Yes, people do it here once in a while, so I thought, "why not"?
So I'm moving to another company to work as webdesiiiiigner (shut up you). They pay better (a liiittle bit better) and have all sorts of nice compensations and things that give you a nice warm sensation of security when leaving the office in the end of the day, which wasn't the case with my actual job, which sucks.
And now I have to tell my boss that I'm quitting. And things are gonna get really ugly, because I'm leaving in a pretty delicate moment for the company. I anticipate arguments over "loyalty" and things like that. Anyway, wish me luck, I'll certainly need it.
P.S.:Oh, and I dont know if there's any internet access in my new work, so my lame contributions to the board might be interrupted for a good while (ah, the bright side in everything), so let me just tell you all now how wonderful you people are, all of you. You helped me to get through last year, gave me shiny new pieces to redecorate my skull furniture - I could go on but that would be insulting. Bye for now, Barbelith people. You freaks.
(Holds breath. Leaps.) |