A lot of the advice varies depending on just what is actually in the pill. If you're extremely lucky, its mostly MDMA in which case keep hydrated, don't overheat, and don't touch DXM or any opiates unless you fee like risking liver failure. Booze just kills the buzz to me, I don't know why people bother drinking if they're on E, unless what they've got isn't MDMA at all. You really just can't peak the same way if you drink with it, as you'd have to fight through the alcohol to peak at all.
Panda: 10 pills? Deal gods, any more than 3 in a night and you've wasted your money. E releases seratonin and depleates your reserves. If you've used it all up, you won't get much more out of additional pills unless you've been munching triptophan and B12 constantly all night and had a nap. Though in most cases, what you're munching resembles more MDE or MDA or some other methamphetimine like crystal, so you're really just eating speed. Real E isn't speed, but it works well with it and you can extend your peak pretty well if you try.
Comedown: triptophan, 5-htp, something to help you build up your seratonin so you don't crash into a miserable depression for days. Eat a lot of protien and amino acids. Sushi is heaven the day after, and helps rebuild you a lot. And hash. Definitely hash. That's my recipe 
The shit'll turn you into a pharmacologist if you don't watch it. |