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Hardy Perennials (The Life Cycle of the Long-Distance Barbeloid)

06:29 / 02.11.02
I haven't really been posting much on Barbelith lately. It's partly a general hubbub of minor crises (mainly financial) and life events, but mainly I just don't feel the urge. I keep up with moderation/administrative duties and sometimes glance over the subject headings but very little is actually grabbing me.

But hey-ho, I've been here before, at least four or five times in almost as many years. I'm starting to notice a cyclical rhythm of sorts, almost as if an occasional period of disenchantment/detachment is necessary to maintain long-term emotional investment in the place. After a few weeks-to-months, something clicks and I inevitably return to the general fray.

Have any other 'old-timers' noticed a pattern to their posting habits? What's your life cycle, Barbeloid?
Saint Keggers
06:37 / 02.11.02
Funny you should say that,I've noticed that in the past few weeks too. Sort of that "ya..unhuh..ok...right..whatever" type of indiference. But I post on the threads that I feel I have any inkling to in hopes that eventually i will get over it.

and what the hell is up with soo many people unable to do an abstract.
I think we need a week long ignoring of those who dont do abstracts!
—| x |—
06:40 / 02.11.02
Hmm...I've been around here about two years now, and like yourself, I've been posting much less frequently lately. But I've done this before as well. I think I would agree with your sentiment, "almost as if an occasional period of disenchantment/detachment is necessary to maintain long-term emotional investment in the place."

I've been feeling a bit of disenchantment with many things lately...
The Strobe
09:28 / 02.11.02
It occasionally happens to me - I call it "read-only" mode. I mean, I'm still here, and I'm thinking responses, but somehow I just can't get them out. So I seem to lurk for a week or two, and everyone forgets who I am. And then something makes me REALLY want to reply, and then I'm sucked back in. It's never all-or-nothing, but some weeks I just go into read-only mode.

It also coincides with lack of interesting threads in the fora I really read. I mean, I do read pretty much anything now, but when, say, Film/TV/Theatre hasn't thrown up anything interesting for a week, I get a bit fed up. If there's shit all going on anywhere, though, I tend to fade away. I'm bouncing back having faded a couple of months back now.
Rollo Kim, on location
10:14 / 02.11.02
Still feel the need to check in. Hardly ever feel the need to post.

I don't feel 'in' enough anymore to post to conversation, and I've never felt well-read enough for the more high-brow stuff. When I do feel the urge to respond I'm left feeling 'what's the point' - no one know's my name. I'm turning into Bizunth!
Rollo Kim, on location
10:15 / 02.11.02
I don't know if it's cyclical, it's more like an spiral!
pointless and uncalled for
10:17 / 02.11.02
I'm cyclical in many of my life's undertakings. As for posting or just compy stuff in general I, tend to increase my byte-sized exctretions during the winter months.

I often feel spurred to seek more outdoorsy things during the warmer months, esp while in Canada, which I no longer am. I'm kind of like the snowbird that can't afford to have a house in Florida so I migrate to the internet instead.

My apologies to all for this, I will attempt to deliver a better quality of crap this year.
Eloi Tsabaoth
10:48 / 02.11.02
Rollo Kim muttered, between swigs-"When I do feel the urge to respond I'm left feeling 'what's the point' - no one know's my name. I'm turning into Bizunth!"

Great. Now I don't even get to be Bizunth.
Maybe I'll fill the void left by another poster. So many choices: Al Spade, Kali, Eloi Tsabaoth, Calling All Monkeys, Robin VanBuzz, or Colonel Tufty...
11:28 / 02.11.02
Lately, I've been posting only when think I have a worth-while, one-off contribution to make.
This is because I used to do all my posting from work, where it was easy to post regularly on multiple threads and really get involved. Now though, I only get on with a really crappy connection at home and it puts me off posting a lot of messsages.

I lurk a lot more than I used to!
Our Lady of The Two Towers
14:33 / 02.11.02
I think I'm getting towards the end of a period of less meaningful contact with Barbelith (consisting of mainly reading/lurking in the media threads and the conversation) and am ready to start taking it seriously again. Autumn term is in. At the moment this mainly involves arguing with Chrome as though I cared, but things are starting to bloom all over.
15:43 / 02.11.02
Well, there definitely was a pattern before the "humouring THOHT" thread happened - and what the aforementioned thread did was that it alienated Laila, she regarded you as a waste of time and energy, in the subsequent time span, I have tried luring her back in but unsuccessfully. Anyway, I stopped regarding Barbelith as a serious debate forum, and it wasn't as though this was not clear and evident before, so I could not justify my reasons to being here, so I frequented this place less often.

So, the conclusion seems to be that there hasn't been a noteworthy pattern of late.
19:17 / 02.11.02
I don't post.

It's quite simple. I'm sore and miserable and my nose is purple and I'm wet and my hair is substandard and I feel... crumpled and nothing's ever rock n' roll fun.

I get how the problem is all totally me, honest.
Cat Chant
07:10 / 04.11.02
I haven't mentioned lately how much I fucking love Pin, have I?
Nietzsch E. Coyote
07:31 / 04.11.02
(See what this is? It's an abstract. An a-b-s-t-r-a-c-t.)
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha rofl!

When no one posts I don't feel like posting then other people don't feel like posting, until someone gets fed up and starts a new topic or wakes up an old one and then we all start posting again. It is a cybernetic correction system.

Plus school makes me too busy.
09:32 / 04.11.02
I like Deva, because Deva is good.

Tho now I have pressure on me to perform to Deva's standards which will make all my posting very careful from now on which will hurt my fragile little mind and then I won't post anymore and probablly wimper.
rizla mission
09:48 / 04.11.02
I don't really have a cycle .. I just post lots. All the time. Except when I'm on holiday. Which I'm not very often at all.
The Return Of Rothkoid
12:28 / 04.11.02
I tend to post lots when I'm feeling good about myself. Actually, that's not true; I post shitloads when I'm miserable, too. But maybe at the moment, I'm just feeling like I can't actually do anything - hence, I've not been uberpostingman like normal.

This would also explain the lack of PM responses. I am truly sorry, you know, people.
Matthew Fluxington
13:17 / 04.11.02
Mmm. Over the summer, I hit a few slumps with Barbelith, just growing more indifferent to it, and losing enthusiasm for some aspects of it, but that sort of wore off and I'm fine with it again. Lately, I find that I often don't have the energy to participate in threads that I want to - hence I'm not posting in film and revolution threads that I have something I'd want to add in, mostly cos I don't know quite what to say. The easiest things for me to write on Barbelith is usually the comics stuff, it's usually a bit of a no-brainer for me, so that's where most of my posts have been lately.

I've found that writing my blog tends to eat up a lot of the things that I would normally write in the music forum, but I'm trying to change that...
17:06 / 04.11.02
Maybe the character of posts changes cyclically, but as long as I find drudgery at work, I'll find a reason to mouth off here.
Regrettable Juvenilia
19:12 / 06.11.02
I always used to be the person who rubbished the following school-of-thought, but right now I genuinely feel that Barbelith just ain't what it used to be - sure, so I have to take as much responsibility for this as anyone else (except, you know, all the lobotomised peons) - and maybe I'll change my mind again, but I remember the heady days of [Your Name Here], Rosa Luxembourg, Jackie Susanne, bluestocking, Adrian Reynolds... The days when you could learn something new every day here, and most people seemed willing to do so... Am I just nostalgic or has the standard fallen?
21:35 / 06.11.02
I don't post near as often as I should. This is my home-page, but due to my crappy mccrapalot connection speed of 14.4 on a 56 k modem, it's frustrating to read threads that are longer then maybe 25 posts or so. I have however taken some good ideas for reads out of this place, as well as suggestions about how to protect my car that was vandalised 4 times in 3 months et all.
If (when) I get DSL or Cable Modem speeds then I surely will post like a fiend. Meanwhile, I have my life and hang out with the lovely (and not-posting either) Kali here in Atlanta. I wrote yesterday in a logbook at work to VOTE FOR REGIME CHANGE... fuck... looks like that was too extreme. I meant to vote out 'the man' and replace with people who actually give a damn. However, it's gone all the way right. Be careful what 'ya wish for.

Baz Auckland
03:49 / 07.11.02
Flyboy: I think it comes and goes. Personalities rise and fall and disappear in cases (what happened to Rosa and Dead Pirate Crunchy?)

When the new posters showed up I started getting interested again, although being in school helped as I need something to procrastinate with.
Goodness Gracious Meme
15:31 / 07.11.02
"what happened to ... Dead Pirate Crunchy? "

Crunchy is currently to be found dispensing tofu-driven wisdom on the gastro thread


I'm finding that I'm not here that much, but enjoy the dipping in and out status this place has for me right now... which does mean that I'm definitely not as emotionally involved/engaged as I have been at times. Finding I'm using it more to chat/catch up with people I don't get round to calling/mailing more than anything else right now... am here for the social aspect, I guess, atm.

Though I do miss the Head Shop being like one of my scarier grad. school classes. Not saying that I'm above it all - or that I'm cleverer than everyone else, believe me, there are plenty of people around here that can make my head spin... but that there seeems to be less of that atm...
Spatula Clarke
17:19 / 07.11.02
The days when you could learn something new every day here, and most people seemed willing to do so

Fly, that could well be more to do with the age of the board than anything else. There's probably a fairly large dollop of nostalgia in there, too - I think you and I started posting around the same time and sometimes find myself thinking the same thing, then putting it down to the fact that all of this - Internet, message board, proper online communication - was pretty new to me then.

The other thing is the size of the place. When there were 400 suits registered, about 300 of which were comedy ones, it was easier to identify with a larger number of people in any one discussion. You knew where most posters were coming from and what their opinions of related matters were likely to be. We're up to 1,409 right now. It's inevitable that there's going to be a loss of focus through that change. The larger number probably puts quite a lot of posters off from making particularly bold statements - rather run the risk of looking a fool in front of a few people than a crowd - and makes it harder to address specific people, recognise them or - gulp - form relationships with them.

I also think that the less you put into this place, the less you get out of it. That's not meant in the old "if there are no threads that interest you, it's up to you to change the situation" sense, by the way, more that it takes more effort to feel involved here now, but that effort generally pays off.

That said, maybe you've just moved on. It happens.

and what the aforementioned thread did was that it alienated Laila

Kit-Cat Club
17:40 / 10.11.02
...right now I genuinely feel that Barbelith just ain't what it used to be - sure, so I have to take as much responsibility for this as anyone else [snip]... The days when you could learn something new every day here, and most people seemed willing to do so... Am I just nostalgic or has the standard fallen?

I hate these conversations - so depressing...

I think M. Dupre has a good point - that the size of the board has made it more diffuse. Also much harder to have a thread where everyone understands the main premise, which is why I think the Head Shop has been a bit lacking in vitality lately. (Also with the Head Shop - it can be quite intimidating, and I for one won't post there unless I'm absolutely sure of my ground, which makes it harder to have a, erm, lively debate) And as far as the Switchboard goes, I wonder whether it's because all us lefty types are so depressed by current events that we've thrown in the towel rather... and some of the older posters don't have the inclination or the energy to step in every time a thread derails, or even to post much... and so on.

I think we're all culpable to some extent. Tempted to start a slew of High Fidelity style threads all over the board, or some really daft ones... 'David Blunkett is a Stalinist: Discuss'...

I expect it'll come round again for me. Hope it does for you too...
Cat Chant
18:55 / 10.11.02
Pin - if I may call you Pin, I find _pin harder to pronounce? - you have never let me down yet. Post with gay abandon, my little pigeon pea, and may all your romance novels find a publisher even though your boyfriend Lucas has been fooling around with your best friend Nina.*

*For those that missed it, Pin is to Barbelith what Zoey Passmore is to Chatham Island. And OH MY GOD I was just trying to find a link to explain this and I found:

Which Making Out Character Are You?

Who says Barbelith is going downhill?
Cat Chant
18:59 / 10.11.02
I'm Aisha, by the way, which is *uncannily* accurate.
Frank Lee Darling
13:54 / 11.11.02
Having just recently returned to the Barb after an extended absence I have to say it seens like the same old place to me.
Although I have been in and out from the very outset of this board ,I not being a very prolithic writer (oh boy though dont get me talking)have always been able to find good information and interresting opions here
I was also glad to see that the board had grown so much in the the time i was gone
Lilith Myth
14:04 / 11.11.02
I wouldn't call myself a regular poster, at all. But I do think that as communities grow, there's an ebb and flow of interest and interaction, on everybody's part. I think it's fine for people to dip in and out, take a barbevacation, whatever. That's what makes it more interesting, when people come back with new ideas, or people who haven't posted for a while pop up because a top grabbed them.

I'm involved in a real-life community that had some interesting problems when it reached a critical mass; we were too big for everyone to know each other, what had drawn people to the community originally grew and mutated, so newer people had different ideals. We came to a semi-conclusion that we couldn't expect the same interaction/commitment from the same people all the time, and that part of growing the community was a cyclical involvement of its members.

My two-penn'orth, anyhow.
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