The days when you could learn something new every day here, and most people seemed willing to do so
Fly, that could well be more to do with the age of the board than anything else. There's probably a fairly large dollop of nostalgia in there, too - I think you and I started posting around the same time and sometimes find myself thinking the same thing, then putting it down to the fact that all of this - Internet, message board, proper online communication - was pretty new to me then.
The other thing is the size of the place. When there were 400 suits registered, about 300 of which were comedy ones, it was easier to identify with a larger number of people in any one discussion. You knew where most posters were coming from and what their opinions of related matters were likely to be. We're up to 1,409 right now. It's inevitable that there's going to be a loss of focus through that change. The larger number probably puts quite a lot of posters off from making particularly bold statements - rather run the risk of looking a fool in front of a few people than a crowd - and makes it harder to address specific people, recognise them or - gulp - form relationships with them.
I also think that the less you put into this place, the less you get out of it. That's not meant in the old "if there are no threads that interest you, it's up to you to change the situation" sense, by the way, more that it takes more effort to feel involved here now, but that effort generally pays off.
That said, maybe you've just moved on. It happens.
and what the aforementioned thread did was that it alienated Laila
Boo-fucking-hoo. |