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Furnish My Apartment

11:23 / 01.11.02
Today I am moving my possessions to a one-bedroom apartment just outside Philadelphia. This apartment has two fair-sized rooms plus bathroom & kitchen, but no furniture whatsoever. Or decoration. Or anything apart from bath, toilet, cooker and fridge. My possessions, being two bags of clothes and a laptop, probably won't furnish this place very well.

So. What should I put in my apartment?
Linus Dunce
11:33 / 01.11.02
Books do so make a room.
13:36 / 01.11.02
Ooh if you don't have any furniture, now's a good time to paint... I love painting.

Let's see, I think the essentials would be:

13:43 / 01.11.02
Seeing as he's a Barbelither, I think we can takes the books as ....

Another hilarous pun! As I get older am I turning into my hilarously unfunny Uncle?

I have this weird image, of 60s hippy apartments with no chairs or sofas in. Probably a tool of capitalist oppression possibly. You could
just go for a low table and some cushions, as a flatmate of mine did once. Very nice it looked to.
13:53 / 01.11.02
A comfy sofabed always helps when friends come round, but you have to be sure it’s comfy in both its forms, if you see what I mean.

13:56 / 01.11.02
three large beanbag chairs.
two or three small cacti.
a large tapestry with some kind of middle-eastern print on it.
a couple bobblehead dolls.
a kegerator.

and you're set.
14:42 / 01.11.02
Xeroxes work great for art - use the zoom function on everyday graphics. Then again. 800% magnification or more! Yes! Good!
8===>Q: alyn
14:44 / 01.11.02
I was going to suggest a kegerator, too. You can sleep on a pile of clothes and heap your books in the corner, but there is no substitute for a kegerator.

Fridge, I'm assuming here that you'd like to impress the ladies when and if they come over. You will need the following:

Velvet wallpaper and/or drapes
One of those really looooooong dining room tables
For god's sake, no futon

Okay, I'm kidding about all that stuff but the futon. Seriously, you should blow most of your money on the best, most expensive bed you can find and get the rest at goodwill. Life ain't shit without a good bed -- trust me, I know. But before you do that, paint the walls to match your skin-tone. Are you an autumn, a spring or what? Pick up an issue of Marie-Claire or something. I'm not kidding here, most people paint their houses white & look all washed out & anemic in their own homes.

You should make sure that the switch that reveals your secret headquarters is not too obvious. Avoid the bookshelf & the mantel -- I thought I was clever hiding mine under a trophy on the mantel, but everyone who came over had watched Spiderman & his amazing friends, too. You should have heard the lame excuses I came up with.
15:24 / 01.11.02
I'm perfectly sober so why am I sniggering at Mr Illmatic's 'joke'?

Get some cats. To hell with everything else.
Tryphena Absent
15:48 / 01.11.02
A kettle.
On the walls of the bedroom you should have absolutely nothing. An empty room is much easier to sleep in.
Saint Keggers
16:13 / 01.11.02
Bean bag chairs.
Big, pirate treasure type, chest.
22:44 / 03.11.02
pah. no cats, as at some point he will be inherited mine, which have already prove too much for the man.

hopefully theres only this one lady to impress, and that job is done.
18:46 / 05.11.02
For the moment, I've gone with an airbed until I can get a proper one. But y'know, if you put sheets on it and squint, it looks kind of like a real bed. Or a small flat hippo.

I have absolutely no idea what a kegorator is.

Okay, so I need more books, I had to give most of mine to charity. Books, you can always use to build a fort with as well for those agoraphobic moments. All I have at the moment is League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen Volume 1 which is too slim a volume.

I did think of chewing up newspaper, spitting it out and building myself furniture, like a wasp. Would this be a good idea?

All joking aside, I really do need somewhere to sit down, this sitting on the airbed is doing my back in.
18:58 / 05.11.02
the kegorator (or however you spell it) is a fridge (hoho!) for a keg of beer. It even has a tap on the top, so you can always have a fresh cold draft of your favorite lager on hand.

I think they make them in quarter and half keg sizes.

Welcome to America. It's usually the first thing we buy after something to sit on.
19:10 / 05.11.02
dayyum! I gotta get me one of those. And hey - you could sit on the kegorator.

I have no TV, though, you realise, and I've been listening to public radio. Will this get me into trouble?
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