Mmm … I tend to agree with Pepsi Max that the huge amount of Murdoch-owned media coverage is probably because Murdoch loaths the BBC, + what could be more BBC than Have I Got News For You? However, I think there is a more sinister side to all this, +that is the now unprecedented power of the tabloid media to make or break (usually break) anyone or anything it wants to at any time.
Our ‘lynch-mob tabloids’ are tolerated by the establishment, the government+other powerful institutions because, on the whole, they are right wing mouthpieces, often arch-defenders (+frequently instigators) of gutter politics+racist+sexist ideas. The media scream that our cherished “free speech” is under attack if even minor criticism is aired about their power, or if they are ticked off by the deliberately toothless Press Complaints Commission. Yet, how can we have a truly “free” media when it is owned by only a handful of multinationals?
The tabloid are the rotweilers who helped destroyed British socialism+is notorious for their hysterical “coverage” of trade unions, left-wing councils, asylum-seekers, womens groups, black groups, gays, lesbians+even single mums! They go where many right-wing politicians dare not because they are pretty much untouchable. How many careers have been destroyed by trial by tabloid? When was the last time a journalist, ANY journalist been exposed for anything? |