Some help is needed with a moral dilemma here.
My Uni is having a vote next week on whether to join the Canadian Federation of Students. The CFS is a left-leaning student union representing about 100,000 or so students across Canada. They lobby government for tuition freezes, have marches and rallies for socialist stuff and demonstrate every year. They also run a student travel agency, where if your uni is a member of the CFS, you get free ISIC cards and sometimes cheaper airfares.
My problem: I don't like these guys. They've had horribly misleading posters around for years showing skewed data about tuition increases. Last week one of their members came into my class, told the prof that he was only going to tell us about the referendum and instead gave us a 5 minute speech on why we should vote 'yes' and some lovely phamplets. When told by the prof that the speaker had said he was only going to talk about the referendum and not preach a point, they guy said 'yeah, well...' and left.
I can't help but be annoyed by them, so I'm torn whether to vote for them or not. I don't know if they actually matter or have made any difference in lobbying and marching for tuition freezes. I'm a bit socialist, but these guys annoy me to no end. Should I vote for them for the sake of lefty unity? Or is supporting lesser evil still evil? |