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I'm learning Spanish.

Less searchable M0rd4nt
16:12 / 29.10.02
What with the whole moving to Barcelona thing and all, I've been doing some reading. Apparently those inconsiderate Barcelonites haven't bothered to learn English yet, thus forcing me to get to grips with their heathen lingo. I've bookmarked a few online courses, and I'm planning to divest my local library of its language tapes in the morning. Apart from these obvious steps, does anyone here have any tips?
16:19 / 29.10.02
My tip?

In addition to what you've done, move to Barcelona

No seriously, nothing concentraits the mind like total emersion and the inability to ask for what you want in shops/find details of the local fetish night.

or search round Cork for spanish speaking friends and threaten their pets until they tech you some elements of the lingo...
17:12 / 29.10.02
A conversation class would be worthwhile. Because the hardest thing is opening your mouth in front of other people and actually speaking those words you've been repeating back to the tape in the privacy of your own bedroom. If you spend time talking in a class, no matter how badly, it'll be much easier when you get there and have to talk to a real live spaniard.
8===>Q: alyn
17:15 / 29.10.02
Move to New York. After a few years, you'll pick some up just by osmosis, but be warned that the Carribean/S.American Spanish they speak here isn't quite the same. Those lisping Castellian inbreeds will laugh at you.

They do still lisp, don't they?
Lurid Archive
17:27 / 29.10.02
Not in Barcelona, I think.
Linus Dunce
17:28 / 29.10.02
Up there they do.

Down in Andalucia, they don't. Makes holiday phrasebook Spanish a breeze.
Kit-Cat Club
17:29 / 29.10.02
Castilian uses the 'th' sound for 'z' and 'c' when followed by an 'i' or an 'e'. It's not lisping though...
Linus Dunce
17:44 / 29.10.02
Theth who? :-)
Lurid Archive
17:59 / 29.10.02
Barcelona is definitely pronounced with a "s" rather than a "th" sound by Catalans.
Linus Dunce
18:34 / 29.10.02
I defer ...
Fist Fun
18:39 / 29.10.02
Well I just got back from a language class and I can heartily recommend. Best to go through your local university - they should have them.
Mourne Kransky
19:36 / 29.10.02
Tequila, lots of it. Improves my espanol no end.

And El Lurido needs to wear a Zorro mask at all times to keep you enthused, Querida. I am suspicious of a language, however, which has upside down exclamation marks at the start of their sentences. Bit too hot blooded for me.

Did the Castilian pronunciation of c's and z's not come about because Philip II had a lisp and thus made it fashionable, as he similarly popularised the wearing of unrelieved black?
19:50 / 29.10.02
Huh! Err... what?? Shit! Dammit! Stay in one place! I'm confused!

My head hurts! And it's yr fault!
Baz Auckland
19:54 / 29.10.02
I met some nice girls from Spain while in Galway. They're doing one of those 'learn English while we pay you $2 an hour under contract in our hotel' deals. There should be a bunch of Spaniards in your town too?

I second the tequila. Nothing helps speaking foreign tongues more than that stuff.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
21:51 / 30.10.02
My head hurts! And it's yr fault!

Okay. Here's the Ladybird version: Lurid is offered a job in Cork. Mordant likes Lurid. Mordant wants to visit Ireland. Lurid takes job in Cork. Mordant packs.

Three days later, Lurid offered job in Barcelona. Mordant likes Lurid. Mordant would KILL to visit Barca. So Mordant and Lurid plan to live in Cork till Cork job dies, then move to Barca. Mordant attempts to learn Spanish.
Baz Auckland
02:52 / 31.10.02
Wow! From now on, start replacing the most common English words with Spanish. Say 'y' instead of 'and', 'esta bien' instead of 'okay', 'si' instead of 'yes', etc. etc. Before you know it it'll be second nature!
18:59 / 31.10.02
Hola, Mordant!
Como esta?
Deseas comenzar un hilo por hablar en Espanol? Hay muchos habladores de Espanol aqui en Barbelith.

Not that I'm one of them, really.
Mourne Kransky
16:36 / 01.11.02
Qué buena idea, Señor grant.

Entonces podríamos todos visitar La Mordant en Barça y É Barbeliz hará una segunda invasión de España para los Goths. ¡Y los barbelitos de Londres podían tomar lecciones del salsa! Hay siempre Babelfish cuando es demasiado difícil...

Now my head hurts too.
Mourne Kransky
16:42 / 01.11.02
Just knew that link wouldn't work. Babelfish is good though: but the gaps in their vocabulary are odd.

And they translated grant as concesión. That version lacks the crisp and punchy quality of the original.
17:32 / 01.11.02
I feel so passive now.
Pepsi Max
07:40 / 03.11.02
Mordant> Sleaze is absolutely right about immersive learning.

But until you get there:
- seeking out local speakers might be an idea (ad in paper maybe?).
- Reading newspapers. May be on-line.
- Listening to radio broadcasts (if availble) (and again online).

Try to create your own little Barca in the comfort of Ireland. Probably no that easy at this time of year.
Magic Mutley
20:52 / 05.11.02
I've found book/CDs sets useful (or tapes copied to CD). I listen to one or two tracks repeatedly - usually on the way to work. I find this more effective than listening to large chunks of conversation. After a few weeks, the phrases are going round in my head - even though I might not know what they mean. Then I look at the book, translate the passage, and learn any vocab (flash cards are good for this)
21:22 / 05.11.02
oso hormiguero. Not sure if I spelled that right.
12:41 / 06.11.02
A what bear?
Cherry Bomb
15:38 / 06.11.02
Yo hable un poco de espanol, pero seulement un pequito. Anyway, there is some truth to the osmosis learning - you start to pick up spanish just living in spanish-speaking areas even if the main language is English.

Sleaze is right about immersion, it is the best way to learn a language, but I honestly wouldn't sweat it TOO much until you're there.

Yes, learn the basics, if you want to and can take a class (much more helpful than just reading a book) in basic spanish, do, but you could just as easily wait 'til your in Spain (armed with such basic phrases as "No habla espanol" and "Una cervaza fria, por favor") and take classes once you get there, when your spanish-learning ability will be greatly enhanced by the amount of spanish speaking around you.

Trust me, I work with foreign-language learners every day, I know. And I can tell you that right now I've got students who've only been in the country for say, six months, started where you are and can now hold a decent conversation plus write a letter to their friends (who won't be able to understand it).
Cherry Bomb
15:51 / 06.11.02
Of course, apparently Spanish isn't all that difficult to learn...
Mourne Kransky
16:41 / 06.11.02
Of course it's not hard but you do have to hiss a lot. Such a sibillant language.

To encourage the hispanicisation of MC, here are your names translated into Spanish, courtesy (with a little jiggery pokery like "sleazynation") of babelfish for dummies. Probably got that link wrong again since both my Spanish and my html are at toddler stage.

Mordant C@rnival = C@rnaval Penetrante
Lurid Archive = Archivo Espeluznante
Cherry Bomb = La Bomba de la Cereza
Sleazenation = Una Nación de Mala Calidad
_pin = ˜perno
Kit-Cat Club = El Club del Gato del Kit
Wheaty-G = La Ventaja del Trigo
ZoCher = El ZoQuerido
and His Eminence The Chairman (with one tiny cheat) = El Presidente Hurón de Mao minuto

Bored now...
pacha perplexa
22:42 / 06.11.02
"Los barbelitos" is the best term I've read in months.

Creo que "Pacha Mama" no tiene traducion para el espanol, ha!
Kit-Cat Club
22:53 / 06.11.02
Creo que si. Que lastima!


buggerer de meme

... un poco inexacto, quizas?

(can't get blasted kayboard to do spanish punctuation)
00:40 / 07.11.02
Anteater, I think. Literally "bear of ants", apparently.
00:41 / 07.11.02
That was a reply to grant, by the way, not just some random bollocks.
The Return Of Rothkoid
00:46 / 07.11.02
La Vuelta De Rothkoid!

Gosh, I'm far more exciting when I'm translated.
Baz Auckland
03:41 / 07.11.02
anteater being a bear of ants is like Egg Nog in French...

('lait du poulet' i.e.'chicken milk')
Mourne Kransky
16:27 / 07.11.02
Learn the fun for free way without leaving your keyboard!
19:57 / 07.11.02
Rothkoid: "vuelta" is a wonderful Spanish word to say.
I love ordering scrambled eggs: "huevos revueltos."

Say it. oo-AY-vohsz ray-vOO-EL-toes.

Mmmm. Tasty.

Stoat: Antbear! Cool. There's another critter in South Africa called an antbear. Probably related, somehow.
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