The typically phallocentric title and selections are one thing, but how on earth can the NME justify the absence of this man?

Although I haven't seen the full fifty yet, maybe he made it. But seriously, the coolest person with a Y chromosone in music is clearly Pharell Williams. I think I'd also have to include Princess Superstar, Peaches, Karen O, Missy Elliot, and Stephin Merritt for starters... Hmmm, let me come back to this.
Oh, and Deric:
Isn't the mainstream definition of cool all about vacuous image? Surface w/o regard to depth? Not to dis the bands in question (some of whom I like), but that definition seems to fit the list like a snug sweater.
You serious? If anything that list is too infected by lumpen everyblokes... Not *enough* panache and and style and shiny pop sheen... I mean the sodding gimp from The Streets... ack. Nevermind, I'm sure we can cobble together a 'Realest, Most Authentic, Integrity-Holding People In Rock' for ya. |