man o man, 2 weeks ago or sumthin, my friends and i were eating in some sandwiches station, and there were a bunch of total jerks playing with their cell. pretty disturbing, at first it remind me the few times i spent in some cpu-stupid-wargames-meeting (you know, the under arms flavor and all...), and after this, the punks decided to show themselves their ring tones.
and you know what ? we got the awesome luck to hear, while trying to quickly finish our fries, such shit like (guess what) "ketchup song" from the 3 "break-my-balls" ketchupettes, but wait ! the younger of all seems to get a cool older bro : his ringtone was "you're my heart, you're my soul" from modern talking ! at this very moment, i felt like humanity is really nothing but shit, but a friend of mine decided to exploding his soda upon our faces as he got a big, big laugh...
end of the tale. sorry for the convenience. |