Heh. The Mail had an article about Che Guevara today (one could say "behind the times"... ). Apparently all the fire unions are bona fidedly Scargilite because they have a picture of him on their wall.
Right. Yes. Thank you for that. Notably, no one asked them why they have a picture of him on their wall. Or amybe they did and got a ncie answer, so ignored it.
Um... yes. 28 Days ater. Is it just me, or did that appear two weeks ago with no hype at all, and only one small feature at the bottom of a page in The Face (I'm not reading it for fun!)? Do I just not read the right magazines? Well anyway- no Donnie Darko, but 28 Days Later. Bah my cinema. Still gonna see 28 Days Later. On Halloween, probablly.
So. Self censorship. There's a thought... |