
This is a shameless piece of spam, in a way, and as a Conversation moderator I will personally move it into the Comics forum myself in about 48 hours. However, in the meantime, if ever there was an excuse to bring something to as many people's attention as possible, this is it (in a really shallow, selfish way).
Those of you who frequent the Creation may already be aware of this thread. If not, go read some of it, at least until you get a vague idea of who/what Jenny Everywhere a.k.a. The Shifter is.
(A public domain character created by moriarty - may his name be praised - you lazy buggers who've got this far and don't know.)
It gives me great pleasure to introduce what will hopefully be the first of many tales of the Shifter, 'Name's Not Down', written by myself with art from the unreasonably talented Nelson Evergreen. It's an everyday tale of simple seaside folk, exclusive door policies and necessary violence, and we will be very grateful for any feedback you people have to offer (well, I will be grateful - Nelson is probably too busy torturing his Muse, whom he keeps in a box in an abandonned bingo hall in Hove, the cruel bastard).
I hear all the "hipsters" are into it. Hope you like. |