Nah the best scene was the verbal standoff between the creepy, but undeniably visionary priest with his pat arguments, but underlying sense of disturbed faith versus the evil bastard kill everyone and inherit the earth vampire - who I believe was the scientist chick's husband - (who thank God they did not use as a potential love interst for any of the men).
Or the bit where Michael first confronts his friend, or the hideous vampire baby bit with the Scully in the woods feel only better,
or the mysterious hospital full of people wqith blood disorders,
or the Ghostbusters-alike containment cells for whacked vamps,
or when Michael shoots the guy becuase he saw the video screen and thought there was no reflection.
I love the extension of the no reflection skit to videos and such like, (tying into the camera's teal your soul thing) and the excellent weaponry - the guns with carbon bullets and video cameras, and the garlic tear gas), and I love the whole mysterious agency beyond everyone and outside the government (then again I adore Dark Skies, Planetary, and Preacher for the same sort of reasons).
But Michael's lover (wife?) irritated the fuck out of me, probably for the same reason the identical character in Spooks did - whiny, suspicous, nagging, I always thought Michael should have gone off with the incipient alcholic seeming intelligence agent he was always meeting in wine bars, she would have been a far better entrant for the Congregation of the DOctrine of the Faithful.
Great series. |