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Ultra-violet - a quick question for those with long memories and possibily satelite or cable

13:46 / 24.10.02
Last week watched the video of the first season of this fine vampire series Channel 4 put out a few years ago (1998 if I remember correctly) starring Jack Davenport.

My question is: was there a second season. Have vague memories of seeing pictures of the characters in the TV guide, but in the satelite/cable listings (hence the title).

Anyone got the information, the series on tape, or a link to where I can get the series on tape (season two that is, if it exists).

The Strobe
14:12 / 24.10.02
No. There was no second series. The open-ending was designed to set up a second series potentially, but it wasn't a certainty. There was also a rumour of an American series, where Vaughan (Idris Elba) went out to the states to help a US branch of the Inquisition. That never happened.

I've still got ideas for a UV feature film script... Vaughan teaching some US-swat monkeys UK-style hunting, or something. But basically, those six episodes (and what episodes) are all there is.

14:24 / 24.10.02
I was always really interested in trying to figure out what the Americans would have done with show had they made a second season. On one hand, I could see it being really good, like the original series on a bigger scale, but on the other I have a sneaking suspicion that it might just of ended up being bland rubbish.

Still, It's a shame that nothing was ever done with the series, cos I think it had the potential to becoame something really classy.
14:33 / 24.10.02
I don't know, things like Ultra Violet are gems because they're a small tightly focused bit of creative coolness. Six Episodes, thats it, no flab, no 'soap opera elements' like I heard the americans were going to bring in to pad it out, perfect as it was.
Its like Sapphire and Steel, Star Cops and other, you may want more of them but look at Red Dwarf. First season promising, 2nd and 3rd works of genius and then gradually downhill from there.
Definately one of my all time classics, the scene with Vaughan in the warehouse and the clock ticking was something that still gives me the shivers.
14:41 / 24.10.02
hmmm... I know what you mean about it being small but perfectly formed, and I agree that it's a very good thing that the shiny fun of the first series wasn't deminished by crappy, unfocussed follow ups.

I just have this odd belief that there was at least one more really brilliant series (or movie, even) that could come out of Ultra Violet.

[rambling old man voice]
Twoulda been harcore military/vampire action on an epic scale I tells ya... the kids woulda loved it...
[/rambling old man voice]
13:28 / 25.10.02
thank you. You are all wonderful, intelligent people.

Must of been publicity shots I saw of Mike and Fran (the ex-girlfriend who was something in another shadowy government wing until the final episode) covering a re-run on satelite/cable.

Your right through. Would of been nice to see Mike (Davenport's character) more settled down in his new job and Fran's induction (and I think that name is right, correct me please if not) into the conspiracy. Hmmm a potential team of five with one rebelious member who won't take orders from either side, now where have I heard that before...
01:56 / 27.10.02
indeed ultraviolet is good, the kind of thing you want to have created yourself
Chubby P
09:30 / 29.10.02
You can buy the DVD here.

I managed to pick it up for £11 in a 2 for £22 deal but thats the cheapest it seems to be at the moment.

Very good series, the best episode was when the army guy was locked in a room with time locked coffins containing vampires that automatically opened at sundown. Tense stuff. (Just reaffirming what 'Invisible al' said above)
Knight's Move
14:10 / 04.11.02
Nah the best scene was the verbal standoff between the creepy, but undeniably visionary priest with his pat arguments, but underlying sense of disturbed faith versus the evil bastard kill everyone and inherit the earth vampire - who I believe was the scientist chick's husband - (who thank God they did not use as a potential love interst for any of the men).

Or the bit where Michael first confronts his friend, or the hideous vampire baby bit with the Scully in the woods feel only better,

or the mysterious hospital full of people wqith blood disorders,

or the Ghostbusters-alike containment cells for whacked vamps,

or when Michael shoots the guy becuase he saw the video screen and thought there was no reflection.

I love the extension of the no reflection skit to videos and such like, (tying into the camera's teal your soul thing) and the excellent weaponry - the guns with carbon bullets and video cameras, and the garlic tear gas), and I love the whole mysterious agency beyond everyone and outside the government (then again I adore Dark Skies, Planetary, and Preacher for the same sort of reasons).

But Michael's lover (wife?) irritated the fuck out of me, probably for the same reason the identical character in Spooks did - whiny, suspicous, nagging, I always thought Michael should have gone off with the incipient alcholic seeming intelligence agent he was always meeting in wine bars, she would have been a far better entrant for the Congregation of the DOctrine of the Faithful.

Great series.
The Strobe
14:41 / 04.11.02
The blood-disorder hospital is something I'd entirely forgotten til I rewatched it, and it's one of the most powerful bits - though it takes a while for it to sink in.

Kirsty was fucking shit, I agree, and I wish Mike had shot her. Similarly, Frances was dead on. And it would have been good to have seen her reaction to Mike's new job.

I'm really split about this. I love it with a passion, but everyone else hates the acting.

KM: Corin Redgrave wasn't Angie's husband; we never actually see him, even though his return is threatened. He's just a realtively evil leader of vampires, who's been around long enough to think properly, rather than hanging out with all the young-and-hips.
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