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North Korea and Nukes

Ethan Hawke
17:29 / 17.10.02
So North Korea has admitted it has nuclear weapons, and "more powerful weapons" (which i take is either a death ray or just some bio/chem stuff). What's the Bush Doctrine going to do about this now, eh? How will these revelations affect the debate on war with Iraq?
Wrecks City-Zen
19:05 / 17.10.02
Ha ha ha.

Not at the situation mind you, but at the fact that bush has to back off of Iraq, the day after signing the bill.

What now...?
19:18 / 17.10.02
That's funny. The line for atacking Iraq is that they *might* have nukes. Then North Korea is all like, "Hey, we have nukes." But we won't touch that, because it will bring us into conflict with the REAL enemy of the US: China.
Our Lady of The Two Towers
10:46 / 18.10.02
Watch out for North Korea's sudden removal from the 'Axis of Evil' to the 'Axis of Countries We Don't Really Like but Try to Ignore Due to the Fact that we Can't Really do Anything Because They Have Nukes'
Morlock - groupie for hire
10:57 / 18.10.02
"We assess that North Korea has produced enough plutonium for at least one, and possibly two, nuclear weapons."

That has been a U.S. concern dating from before the 1994 agreement. International inspections were supposed to clear up that mystery but the North never permitted them despite a commitment to do so.

Ooooh, that's got to smart some...
13:09 / 18.10.02
Bush was fairly explicit is spelling out his justification being based on a confluence of factors (previous use of chem weapons, tendency of SH to invade his neighbors, etc). To what degree he did so in anticipation of a development like this in DPRK as opposed to just piling on reasons is an interesting question.
Ethan Hawke
17:25 / 18.10.02
Interesting wrinkle:

Bush adminsitration apparently knew about this 12 days before it came out in the press.

Congress, however, was not informed, as it doesn't take a brain surgeon to expect that this would have complicated the intervening vote on the Iraq resolution.
Wrecks City-Zen
20:54 / 18.10.02
>>>I have now been chuckling for 30 hrs straight!<<<
The resistable rise of Reidcourchie
14:00 / 20.10.02
A friend of mine is South korean, she took part in a lot of anti-US presence in Korea demonstrations whilst she was student. She always wondered about the reputation assigned by western media to North Korea. According to her they have not the slightest interest in anyone else in the world including South Korea as they are so poor they cannot afford to feed their own people, let alone invade someone. Axis of evil my arse. What fucking annoys me about this kind of rhetoric is the hijacking of the rhetoric of WW2. Rhetoric though it was, slightly different fucking situation.
Milky Joe
15:54 / 20.10.02
they are so poor they cannot afford to feed their own people, let alone invade someone

So poor they have enough money to develop or buy nuclear weapons.

The position this has put the US government is funny in an ironic sense but to say they are no threat to anyone is crazy. I don't like the Bush admin anymore than the next man but I don't let this make me blind to the difficult situation the world is in as regards dodgy countries like N. Korea having these weapons available.
18:55 / 20.10.02
I think my favorite was watching Colin Powell on this morning's Meet The Press haltingly try to explain that North Korea was less of a menace than Iraq. Well sure, North Korea has a stronger army and yes we KNOW they have nukes and we've not positive about Iraq but hey they don't have any resources we want so we'll try the diplomacy thing.

Seriously funky logic.
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