IMRampantlyOnanisticO, same problem as Invisibles, Preacher and fucking Babylon 5, to name but a few... creator far too aware of the idea of himself as a 'creator' loudly proclaims new series to be the distillation of everything he wants to do in the medium (ie, that he wasn't allowed to do before due ot editor-hacks jizzing in hir cornflakes). Also loudly proclaims that entire series is planned and/or plotted entirely in advance, and that it will end on a predetermined issue/year, the former of which is a load of bollocks, as they've only sketched out the first year and a few characters/themes.
This former claim is then revealed to be bollocks when, part way through the self-proclaimed magnum opus, said creator runs our of ideas, momentum and/or ability to give a shit, and slogs hir way through the last couple of years on fumes while putting their actual energies into non-work related 'projects' (drugs/travelling, beer/conventions/trying to become a screenwriter, turning fast-dying 'revolutionary' TV series into a corporation, like the mini-me to George Lucas, and, in Ellis' case, fiddling around with web/multi-media-related shit, starting up Ellis-a-like superhero comics - that aren't actually superhero comics, of course - for Wildstorm which he then leaves to other hacks, and BECOMING HIS OWN ANAL PROBE).
Feel better now... |