Fucking thing crashed on my long in the work reply...
So, it must be this only:
As long as the people hear Justice, Freedom, Democracy and Protection of our life styles the people will think its all for the good of them.
The people in the western white countries will need MUCH more before they realize that we are at war.
And what would this much more be? Attacks on their countries, meaning Bio-warfare, masses getting sick and then finally wake up, but it surely will be to late. For it’s the armies that are the best protected, and it’s the people that will go without real protection. And this bio-warfare will start within a few weeks or will it be indeed a few more months? Fred I have August standing in my writings, as well as on my wall. AUGUST 2002. That is when the knowledge that we are at war will have hit the masses. I wished my book was not that correct. Believe me, when I ‘SAW’ what this will bring the people, I felt sadness at first, but then as things were coming to pass, came the anger. Then as I was angry, because its all caused by one thing, ego mania and GREED, I felt something else, and then I was shown the after wards, many people will be saved, and we will have a better world, but NOT until the last wrong head falls down, and this means that as long as they are roaming our planet, innocent people will die as well, for the guilty have surrounded themselves with the innocents.
They thought and still are thinking , that if they surround themselves with innocent souls, they will be spared, for the innocent will be spared. Their god loves the innocent, he loves to take their lives. But They/Yeth know that the true GOD, the ONE, would never kill the innocent, for they know that in the end God will save all the innocent. Their god is the god of destruction, and our god is the god of creation.
But what they are forgetting is that the thorn of GOD is absolute, and that he will indeed save the innocent who must die in order to destroy the bad ones. He will insure that these innocents will be reborn again, for in the end it has nothing to do with our bodies, but ONLY to do with our souls. All who have died since the 911 in all countries will be reincarnated. And the most beautiful thing is that they will have memories and they, the children who are being born for these last few years, will be the most powerful army one can imagine. The harder they , the wrong ones, did their best to kill innocents all over the world, the more children were born, this overpopulation that is seen as bad, has a purpose, the more humans , the less they, the wrong ones, stand a change in erasing all. Causing overpopulation , seems to fit in the grand scheme of things. It will insure the survival of enough good humans, for at the same time many innocent will die, simply because all the wrong ones have to die. So again the ONE is way smarter then they are.
Just as he had a little plan of protection build in our DNA, rape a child and you awaken the psychic within this child. They thought by raping little children they would destroy all souls, creating confused and numb humans. Again a miscalculation on their behalf. And this is the only reason why they came with medications to destroy the souls who were awaken by abuse.
Looking at what the heads are doing and how they are preparing their soldiers, and this is not only in the USA but in all the allied countries meaning the European union countries as well. Remember I posted a while ago , that they were showing these governmental warnings , what to do when we are being attacked by chemical weapons? This was the only preparation for the Dutch people, so far. Will we get more? I doubt it, for Holland has it own depopulation plans, and wishes, “10 million people in Holland and not more”, ( they have a website, and this website is being promoted by the governmental news paper the Volkskrant) we have over 16 million people, meaning that they want to get rid of 6 million people. Now if we take away all the foreigners and of course the half breeds and the sick not being able to work and costing only money, elderly, that would be about 6 million people.
How I feel when reading things like this? Still at ease, and in tune with nature, for I ONLY listen to Nature, and believe me, she is telling, and to the ONE.
See its about HIM and HER, and they are working together.
For me this war thing just can not scare me, for it will get rid of so many bad people, whole armies will die, which is good for the people, heads of states will die, which is good for the people, royals will flee and die, which is good for the people, religious heads and monuments will die and be destroyed , which is good for the people. But the best one, is that many ‘mining’ and ‘developing’ head companies, who belong to the head families/royals will all die, which is good for our planet and therefore the people who will survive all that is awaiting us.
Planet earth is getting ready for the biggest ‘spring’ cleaning ever. Why? Because she is not letting them kill her, for she is the beginning and the end for all that is alive, she decides in the end, and we have come to the end of the pagan ruling, this automatically means, that we are at the brake of this veil of illusion, that is keeping us in ‘place’, being lifted , finally. If we talk about ALPHA and OMEGA, we have to talk about EARTH. From her soil we came and to her soil we will return, and this, and only this is the Alpha and Omega also know as “The Circle of Life” guided by the ONE.
I have been waiting all my live for this to happen, I knew that it would happen in my life time, since I was a child. So many have said over these long years of me waiting, that I was nuts, or said who was I to think that all would happen in my life time? Well needless to say, they have started singing a different tune.
I still say, do not panic, stay calm and use your brains, meaning, get yourself surrounded by like wise thinking people, gather people around you with skills that you need to be able to survive what is about to happen. I am not saying forget about this war, for it will be in our face sooner than we think. But what is more important then this war, is natures fury.
As Abraham ones said to his son, "When she gets angry, beware, for her fury is all consuming"
So get yourselves surrounded, with people who know, how to make things that are needed to survive, solar energy, knowledge about how to cleans the water in order to be able to drink some without getting to sick, prepare your body with raw foods, in order for your body to make soldiers that know how to deal with pollution getting in your system, find out which worms and snails and insects in general you can eat to survive, for in the end , we will be swamped with all sorts of insects, learn some about what to do with your bodily waste, meaning poop can be used for energy/ heat, pie is filled with ammoniac again to be used as fuel. Find out were there are underground garages etc, just in case, learn were the water pipe lines etc in your area are located. Get people who know how to make simple waterways. Find out what sort of roots one can eat, earth braking water disasters etc will in the end bring raw soil and her contents to the surface, and from this point on, one needs to know what is edible and what not. People who know how to build things, knowledge about what sort of seeds can grow in not to clean soil, learn how to dry foods and meats. Just imagine that you are with a group of people in some part of the world, with absolutely nada except your survival skills, and now you have to make some sort of village to be able to survive. But most of all stop eating sterile, for this is what will cause you to die, if indeed it all happens, and its best to be within a group.
And if you take medications that are really not needed, stop taking them, get your system back to basics, for this will make you survive or at least insure that you have a change of surviving. You do not want to get cold turkey when war is at your door or nature fury says “I AM BACK”. Cold turkey will make you panic and do all the wrong things. Learn how to control your heart beat for this will be used to track the people. Why? Because if your heartbeat goes up, your body temperature goes up, and if they use body heat tracking weapons, as some think they will, they will be able to track you down. Learn how to control your breathing, this will safe you when something happens that makes you panic and therefore become stressed making your heart go faster and raising your body temperature.
Get rid of all anxiety and fear for the future, for its no use, its set, and will only weaken you in the end. Do not follow that road that the governments are laying out for us the people, for this is meant to scare the hell out of us and its needed for them to go on. Do not feed them with fear and anxiety, for it strengthens them and weakens us the people. We the people need to be in control of ourselves when it all happens, if not we are at risk, for without self control we the people will make mistakes and will turn on each other, just the way they are hoping. Lets not give them what they are seeking from us, our fear our panic our self control, and in the end our life.
We will have 2 wars, one between the head of states, and one between the people and the head of states, believe me they are 2 completely wars.
BUT even saying this, Nature will interfere.
Sorry I just can not help myself, something is guiding me to tell these things, I have become of the warning kind. The above is not to make you panic, but to give you some insight as what to do, WHEN..for its not about IF but about When.[/QUOTE] |