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Harry Belafonte labels Powell 'token black' and 'house slave'

05:10 / 10.10.02
This is too good:

"There's an old saying, in the days of slavery, there were those slaves who lived on the plantation and were those slaves that lived in the house," Belafonte said. "You got the privilege of living in the house if you served the master ... exactly the way the master intended to have you serve him.

"Colin Powell's committed to come into the house of the master," the performer continued. "When Colin Powell dares to suggest something other than what the master wants to hear, he will be turned back out to pasture."

Belafonte went on to suggest that Powell's presence in the Bush cabinet amounted to racial tokenism, saying, "What Colin Powell serves is to give the illusion that the Bush cabinet is a diverse cabinet, made up of people of color ... when in fact none of that is what is true."

...In Washington, State Department spokesman Richard Boucher told reporters that Powell "smiled" when he heard of Belafonte's remarks.

Full article at

Harry tells it like it is. And he can sing too!
Kit-Cat Club
07:46 / 10.10.02
Well, that's not Powell's fault, is it? Blame centuries of white domination for that, not Colin Powell...

... and I think he does a reasonable job of disagreeing with the regime as far as it's possible for him to do so without losing his job, which seems to be more than a great many white Republicans manage.
09:02 / 10.10.02
I get Belafonte's point, but I think it's more a case of Powell not having stepped too far out of line YET, rather than deliberately doing so in obeisance to Bush. Though I have no doubt that if/when he did, he'd be in the shit. And yes, he does have to tread carefully, or he will indeed lose what voice he has.

I think HB's right, but what the fuck else is Powell supposed to do? Be the token black guy, or have no voice of dissent (black or otherwise) to temper Bush's madness as a point of principle?

I guess maybe I just WANT to like Powell.
10:46 / 10.10.02
I'm not so sure Harry Bellafonte IS completely right. Powell is a POLITICIAN first and foremost (and an astute one at that), and will do whatever it takes to balance what he thinks is right (whatever that may be) against the desire to keep his job. Sure, there may be some truth to HB's statement, but he seems to be seeing the world in extremes where he thinks that Powell's race is what defines him and his (in)actions. This only serves to insult Colin Powell by reducing him to his skin colour and does not look at WHY Powell is doing what he does - political savvy.

Powell's statement recently that he will be leaving the State Dept. after his tenure shows that he is is own man and has had enough of giving his considered opinion on matters and being ignored by his boss.

Before anyone explodes at me (as I've seen happen in a few threads recently here), I do happen to think that Bush's regime is inherently racist, sexist, and pretty much everything nonWASP-ist. Powell is trying to do his best in an environemnt where he probably IS viewed (by his boss and most of the rest of the cabinet) as the 'token' black.

Having got back from the States recently, I have to say I was (pleasantly) suprised at the number of non-white people in positions of Mayor/Police Chief/Judge etc. etc. and, as there were elections for all of these (and more) posts going on at the time, I was struck by the state of racial issues like this in the UK. I had always viewed the US as incredibly racist (my own fault - judging a culture based on its television). It kind of puts the UK into perspsective where the Tory party is falling apart over the issue of positive discrimination over its candidate selection list.

Sticking with the UK for just a little longer (no wish to rot the thread), both Paul Boateng MP (Labour) and the black Tory peer whose name escapes me at the moment, both say that their race is one of the last things they use to define themselves and their standing in their respective parties.

Just my four pence worth.
Harold Washington died for you
12:42 / 10.10.02
What about Condy Rice? That woman has a freakin oil supertanker named after her. No one calls her 'token', black, or even mentions that fact she is darker than most of the Congretional Black Caucus. Rice and Powell are not tokens for the simple fact that they are truly among the most qualified people on the planet in terms of US diplomacy and security. The fact that they work for an incompetent white guy who does nothing is poetic...a good mirror of the American workplace.
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