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Matrix questions

Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
16:07 / 09.10.02
I know there are likely a billion threads already,, but i was thinking the other day about some stuff and, well here it is

As the AI created the matrix, did they leave out specific parts of human culture in order to stop a possible revolution?
Ok, so, lets say your in the matrix, and your 8 years old and have been reading superman comics and watching the cartoons, so you think that if you tie a cape to your back and jump off a roof you can fly. In our world, no you cant, but in the matrix, where its all based on how much you believe it can happen, you would fly. So did the AI remove superman from the world?

Neo is a computer hacker of some kind, ok fine, but are there video games? How easy would it have been for Morpheus to say "play it like a video game" rather than going into all that zen stuff? Is it because video games dont exist?

Jack Fear
16:22 / 09.10.02
You're thinking waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much about this.

It's a big dumb loud wire-fu shoot-'em-up, emphasis on "dumb": it is too much to ask, asking it to make any sense.
Our Lady of The Two Towers
16:50 / 09.10.02
Elijah- I don't think it's purely about how hard you believe- by the time Neo is racing through the hotel to find the phone (and how many times did I have to see the film before I realise it was the hotel from the start? Doh!) he believes, but he still gets killed by Smith. I think the fact that all the Neb crew are broadcasting INTO the Matrix from outside has something to do with it as well. I would guess there are powerful software protocols (or it's the function of the Agents) to stop superhuman events from happening. Plus of course, most people, including Neo intitially believe the Matrix is the real world, and of course, superheroes don't exist. Everyone knows that.

As for revolution, why would they leave stuff out? Look at the people on Barbelith, we live in the real world (more or less) but we're not 'fucking shit up' on a 24/7 basis, we're getting on with our lives. Yet we remember the Russian and Chinese revolutions, the French and Cuban ones...

With the video games, why not? Just because I have a little book to keep track of my finances (yes I am that anal), doesn't mean I could run the Bank of England. Maybe Morpheus is a ponce. Maybe he had a bad experience with a playstation. He did tell Neo that the Matrix could be 'hacked', so he was making efforts to translate it in to terms that Neo would accept.

I find the fascist overtones of the crew being perfectly happy to kill innocent people and their whole 'they could never be free like us' thing a bit more disturbing. I wonder if the machines ever realised they could win by disconnecting a couple of million people simultaneously and forcing the free humans to try and help them or let them die?
Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
17:05 / 09.10.02
i was always wondering about the wholesale slaughter of random people myself, like that chubby security guy, that always troubled me.
Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
17:06 / 09.10.02
and yes, i do think to much about useless things, its why i work in a call center
Mystery Gypt
17:13 / 09.10.02
yeah, that slaughter of the innocents thing is one of the main reasons i fucking hate that movie. gun porn for web designers, that was.
Wrecks City-Zen
21:17 / 09.10.02
I think waaaayyyy too much about it as well...might I suggest this little ditty...
03:07 / 15.10.02
Yeah Rex, I read a few chapters from that book the other day. It's quite good. I like the Matirx/eXistenZ comparison and contrast.
The Strobe
07:15 / 15.10.02
I didn't really like the slaughter-of-innocents either, but they do come up with a crappy excuse for it:

"Anyone who isn't one of us, is one of them. Any hardware still hardwired to the Matrix can be used by an Agent program."

Binary opposites? Us and them? Unter and Uber? Join the dots, folks. I don't think we're heading to a great conclusion where we realise that the "sides" might be reversed or non-existant. I just think we're not meant to think about this kind of stuff.

(The Agents, by contrast, being very specific: they only ever try to terimntae Keanu & co. OK, so they borrow people's bodies for a bit, but that's specifically to kill Keanu. Not, because, like, it looks good in slow motion. Ahem).
21:26 / 15.10.02
>>>The worst part really was all these "esoteric newbies" stating "WHAT IF THAT WAS REALLY THE WAY THINGS ARE?"ugh.<<<
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