Lots of possibilites for fun and mayhem with creative memetic engineering and/or poetic terrorism-type actions. I always admired the Cacophony Society (among others) for taking the view of rebellion as a festive act. That's what protests should be, ideally, IMHO.
I think that what put me off protests was the whole ultra-somber, serious, PC stalinist attitudes displayed by various protest organizers and their attempts to "police" protestor conduct. As if the regular cops aren't enough to deal with...Time to bring back some of that pagan carnival spirit. ("Gimme that old time religion".)
Though its a bit hard to catalyze or put into words precisely what I'm suggesting, maybe that's the beauty of it: attempting to defy categorization or labelling. Why do acts of protest have to follow time-worn formulaes? Can't we be original? I'd like to see acts of defiance and opposition that blow people's minds. Parades, street theater, flyers, stickers, pirate radio broadcasts, weird internet campaigns, etc. that force people's jaws to hit the ground. And more. Much more.
Its not like there's not alot to pick and choose from the past as examples of what COULD be, and reassembled, briccolage-style. (Look at what the Diggers accomplished in the 60's, and where they took their inspiration from, for example.) I'm not saying that's the exact same route we should be taking, just an illustration of the kind of thing I'm talking about.
Time to think like magpies and act like clowns (or tricksters if you prefer). |