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color-coding your terror

kid coagulant
12:34 / 12.03.02

<<<Domestic security chief Tom Ridge said Tuesday the nation is at a "significant" level of danger -- the third step in a five-stage system of terror alerts that replaces the vague warnings issued for the last six months...A statement released by his office outlined the stages of alert and how government agencies should respond:
--Green is a low risk of terrorist attack.
--Blue is a general risk, and agencies are asked to review and update emergency response procedures.
--Yellow is an "elevated condition," meaning there is a significant risk of attack. Increased surveillance of critical locations and implementing some emergency response plans are called for.
--Orange signifies a high risk of attack, meaning the government should coordinate necessary security efforts with armed forces or law enforcement agencies and take additional precautions at public events.
--Red means a "severe risk" of attack and may require the pre-positioning of specially trained teams, closing public and government facilities and monitoring transportation systems.>>>

All the colors of the rainbow...
09:01 / 23.03.02
Best comment so far was from Tina Fey on Saturday Night Live: "If we go to code red, I WILL make brown."

Poopoo humor never goes out of style.
09:01 / 23.03.02
the PHILADELPHIA WEEKLY had a really good editorial cartoon about this. to sum it up in words:

Red:FUCKED. sit down, weep softly.
Orange:UP THE CREEK. reconsider your atheism.
Yellow:SOMETHIN' AIN'T RIGHT. give the "evil eye" to those unlike you.
Blue:RUN-OF-THE-MILL. wake. work. drink. sleep. repeat.
Green:CHILL. kick back, yo!

and who could criticize ridge better than philadelphians? he was governor, y'know.
Rev. Jesse
13:46 / 23.03.02
For some reason, I think of lollypop flavours on these.

Lose yours while you still can!

Be prepared to pucker up and whistle the Star Spangled Banner at an instant's notice, Citizen!

Expect blue tongues around the nation.

Get yer tequila, its gonna be a party.

Its pretty darn generic. and orange.
15:06 / 23.03.02
CODE GREEN: Everything's just ducky. Keep shopping.

CODE BLUE: Everything's still just ducky. Keep shopping, but watch for shifty foreigners.

CODE YELLOW: Yield to security forces looking for shifty foreigners. Display your patriotism at all times, and don't forget to keep shopping!

CODE ORANGE: We're now relocating to our underground bunkers because of said shifty foreigners, but remember to keep on shopping, and have a nice day! We mean it!

CODE RED: Find your own damn bunker. And hands off my spam!
Baz Auckland
02:38 / 08.02.03
America's on Orange!

The intelligence indicates that al-Qaida operatives might
attempt to attack "soft" or lightly guarded targets such as apartment
buildings and hotels and that such attacks could involve chemical,
biological or radiological devices. Officials have been particularly
concerned about the use of a so-called "dirty bomb" that could spew
radiation over a relatively confined area, but there was also the
possibility of conventional explosives or even assassinations.

Ashcroft said there are indications that al-Qaida "might also seek
economic targets, such as transportation and energy sectors, as wel
as symbolic targets and symbols of American power."

You know, if they can't be more specific than "al-Qaida is going to
blow something in the USA up", why bother rambling on like that?

A few hours after the announcement, the FBI (news - web sites)
issued an alert to law enforcement and the public for help in finding
a Pakistani man identified as Mohammed Sher Mohammed Khan,
36, who it said may have entered the United States illegally after
Sept. 1, 2001. The FBI said it had no specific information that Khan
was a terrorist — his name and birth date might be fictitious — but
that agents want to question him.

Um... wasn't Mohammed Khan the guy that was shot by the police
in the beginning of Invisibles #20?
Red Cross Iodized Salt
07:28 / 08.02.03
I was talking with someone at work about this today. I sugested that perhaps the entire point of the alert was to scare people into thinking that Iraq needed to be attacked.Naturally, he started parroting some Fox news op-ed 'they-hate-us-because-we-are-free' piece. I asked him if he didn't think the whole thing was a bit we are at war with Oceania and he gave me a long blank stare before, its Iraq.

I give up. If anyone wants me I'll be in my undisclosed location.
Fist Fun
14:28 / 08.02.03
I agree completely, Basic. It seems to be a laughably transparent ploy to drum up pro-war sentiment.
Mr Tricks
22:00 / 10.02.03

Mr Tricks
22:01 / 10.02.03
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