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Reinterpretation post 9/11

We're The Great Old Ones Now
11:14 / 01.03.02
quote:Another example: the Russians invaded Chechnya because Islamic terrorists used the country as a base to launch murderous attack after murderous attack upon Russia. The U.S.A. complained and complained about the Russians' attacks on Chechnya... until we were hit on September 11th.

From here.

I find this interesting. It's absolutely accurate. What's missing is the previous ninety years, plus, more remotely, several centuries before that, which gives a context to the Chechen war which otherwise seems like 'oooh, the evil furry people attacked the Russian civilians'.

A post-9/11 interpretation, because before 9/11, the West was quite willing to contemplate that history to make clear to the Russians that this was an HR violation. Now, of course, history is out and the world was born on 11th Sept 2001. So the Russians can do what they like to the Chechen.
Mystery Gypt
23:55 / 04.03.02
hmm.. that makes it a crisis so intense that it effected culture in BOTH directions of time, working into the past to reconfigure everything that had happened, creating strong dualities where there had once been complicated relationships... solidifying hostilities across four dimensions.
18:23 / 07.03.02
ahh! we've hit the "mirror stage" in Lacanian terms . . .
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