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Bush - Saddam "tried to kill my dad"

14:32 / 27.09.02

Saying "this is the guy who tried to kill my dad," President George W. Bush embraced disarming and ousting Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein as a "uniquely American issue."

"Other countries of course, bear the same risk. But there's no doubt his hatred is mainly directed at us," Bush said at a political fundraiser here Friday. "After all, this is the guy who tried to kill my dad."

As Bush's father, former president George Bush, traveled to Kuwait in April 1993, officials there disrupted a car-bomb plot they said they traced back to Saddam. The plot was aimed at Kuwait's emir and the former president, officials said.

Then-US president Bill Clinton cited the plot as justification for a June 1993 US missile attack on Baghdad's intelligence headquarters.

Bush had also referred to that US charge in his September 12 address to the UN General Assembly, but had deliberately referred only to "a former American president." Aides said Bush was taking pains to avoid personalizing the issue.

In his speech here, the US leader again said Washington would act alone if the the world body failed to take strong action to strip Saddam of any nuclear, chemical, or biological weapons.

"If the United Nations won't act, if he doesn't disarm, the United States will lead a coalition to make sure he does," the president said here. "It's an American issue, a uniquely American issue."

Bush, who has struggled to rally US allies in Europe as well as Russia behind his hard-line stance on Iraq, said the September 11, 2001, terrorist strikes had made clear Saddam poses a special threat to the United States.

"I say uniquely American issue because I truly believe that now that the war has changed, now that we are a battlefield this man poses a much greater threat that anybody could possibly imagine," he said.

The president frequently says he worries the Iraqi leader will team up with terrorists and equip them with weapons of mass destruction that could then be used to attack the United States or its interests abroad.

Earlier, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said the United States has solid information about top-level contacts between al-Qaeda militants and Iraq going back a decade, including possible chemical weapons training.

Links between the terrorist group that carried out the September 11, 2001, attacks and the Iraqi regime Bush wants to bring down have intensified since 1998, Rumsfeld said.

"We do have solid evidence of the presence in Iraq of al-Qaeda members, including some that have been in Baghdad," he said.

"We have what we believe to be credible information that Iraq and al-Qaeda have discussed safe-haven opportunities in Iraq and reciprocal non-aggression discussions."
14:42 / 27.09.02
...but this "war" is not motivated by revenge, it is of importance to everyone we do business with if they know what's good for them, and the vicious rumor that this has been on his agenda since day one is just further unsubstantiated muckraking by ivory-tower academics.

Uh-huh. Tell me another.
19:31 / 27.09.02
"This is the guy who tried to kill my dad..."

Sounds like the pivotal line in a martial arts flick or cowboy movie, not the political consensus needed to flatten the regimes of former allies or to destroy stability in another part of the world.

BTW ,has the US government pinpointed the next monster/thug/mass murderer/CIA informant they want to put in power after Saddam?

The Shark
We're The Great Old Ones Now
20:16 / 27.09.02
They've made some reasonably hideous suggestions, yes.
Cherry Bomb
07:32 / 29.09.02
While anger and hatred and someone who tried to kill your dad is understandable, starting a war against that person not quite so.

I am really disgusted and disappointed and scared about this (inevitable) war with Iraq. It's the first "pre-emptive" war by a "democracy." Democracies don't do that. Instead of there being reasons for a war with Iraq, we are looking for reasons for the war.

Of course, this coming from the man who stole the U.S. presidential election and said, "there ought to be a limit to freedom," it's not totally surprising. The frightening question is, "What next?"

I am also apalled that Bush is clearly using a war with Iraq as a political issue to gain votes for the Republicans in the mid-term elections. War and human lives are not as important as votes?

Eloi Tsabaoth
13:25 / 29.09.02
Bill Hicks-
"I knew Clinton was one of the boys when he bombed Iraq, killing six innocent people, in retaliation for the failed assasination attempt of George Bush. You know what should have happened? We should have asassinated Bush and said "that's how you do it towelheads, don't fuck with us". And then......there would have been no loss of innocent life..."
16:41 / 29.09.02
Classic Hicks. And, as usual, to the point. Of course, it could also be suggested that Panama in '89 was a mere "squabble between business partners". Start a war over someone trying to off your dad? Sure, why not. They used to have wars in Europe all the time over sterile royalty being unable to produce offspring to put on the throne. Why should our culture be any less absurd?

"Don't take any shit from the zeitgeist".
--George Carlin
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