Since this seems to be a cat-lover's board, out with it already. Let's hear the most amusing cat tales (pun intended) you have to offer.
Though I don't have a cat at present ("No Pets" policy in my apartment building), I used to have one in college when I lived in a run-down Victorian in the midst of a typical "student ghetto". A small grey and white "tiger cub" patterned male with green eyes named "Mumbles". He was so named due to the fact that he was a "talker", he never really "meowed" per se', though he gurgled, chirped, yodelled, and muttered all the time.
As a kitten he was the feline equivalent of an F5 tornado. Once, he got into a roomate's closet and I came home to find the entire apartment covered from one end to the other with shredded tampons. Another time he got into a storage closet that had been converted into a mini-grow room, and stripped the plants of all their lovely buds and leaves. He was bumping into walls with eyes the size of dinner plates, stoned out of his tree. He always knew if someone had pot on them, he' d make a beeline for their backpack or pocket and nudge, bump, and rub his head there until physically picked up and moved. And then of course, he'd just go and do it again. You could never leave any pot out if he was nearbye, because he'd try his damndest to eat it whenever possible.
He was also fond of stripping toilet paper off the rolls (sometimes he'd grab an end and literally "paper" the apartment); as well as attacking and destroying another roomate's stuffed animals. And forget about leaving an unguarded bowl of ice cream about. He'd dive in face first.
I wound up having to give him away when I moved, which upset me more than I thought it would. I do miss having him around, but he has a good home, lots of yard space to run and do cat things in, and several other cats to cavort with.
Let's hear 'em... |