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"9/11- The Big Lie"

14:51 / 24.09.02
Thierry Meyssan's book "The Big Lie" (or Effroyable Imposture) is now available in the UK. If you remember, this was the book that became a bestseller in France questioning the whole official line on September 11th.

Now... I bought a copy of this this morning, I'm half-way through it, and while I'm nowhere even vaguely convinced of M. Meyssan's conclusions (as they seem at this point to be being drawn) it does throw up a lot of questions.

I'm refraining from further comment until I've finished it. Just thought people may be interested to know that it's available.
15:48 / 24.09.02
Is it generally available ? How much is it ?

16:39 / 24.09.02
I've been following the Emperor's Clothes stuff about Sept 11, and there are definitely some odd things going on, so I might be interested in reading this as well.

The trouble is that, like anything which goes against the accepted viewpoint, you immediately get mixed up with the conspiracy theorists. I was reading a thread on Urban75 by a guy who was claiming that the planes were operated by remote control. He raised some interesting points, but they weren't connected at all to the central batshit premise, which just discredited the whole lot. And a lot of the "specialist information" about seismic readings, metallurgy of the towers etc can turn out to be bollocks; a non-specialist has little chance of evaluating sources without a lot of research.
I would say that the questions are less, "was there a bomb as well?" "were the planes flown by mice?" as "who knew about it beforehand?" "was it let happen deliberately?" "was enough done to stop it?" And the immediate questions are "sod the event, what's going to happen because of it?"
19:44 / 24.09.02
it does throw up a lot of questions.
Like why didn't Meyssan do any kind of real research into the physics behind the impact of an airliner flying into the Pentagon?

I've only read a few of the passages from the book, but it's clear Effroyable Imposture is bad bad bad. Rather than investigate the events by visiting the scene and interviewing eyewitnesses, Meyssan remotely pieced together his 'theory' from a few conflicting (confused) news reports and his false layman's interpretation of some photographs.
Anybody here could have produced the book if they had the time and felt no shame.
jUne, a sunshiny month
07:31 / 25.09.02
Thierry Meyssan made many many echoes here in france, as he went into a lot of press or tv or whatever media (they love messy theories, uh).

as far as i know, i guess that a lot of people who covered up the story have to make public excuses about letting him talk about his book. i didn't followthe story cause at the time i was just tired of 500 new theories/day, so i drop it when i saw it wasn't "true".
09:22 / 25.09.02
I know I said I wasn't going to comment till I'd finished it, but I have to say he does seem to be leaping to some rather extreme conclusions on little evidence. Some of the background stuff on US intelligence is interesting, though.

DBC- it retails at the strange price of £11.40.
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