Well, yeah, there's no need to feel optimistic about any multilateralism coming out of the U.S. soon, what with the idiotic "axis of evil" speech (which is doubly idiotic, since both North Korea and Iran have been increasingly more open to dialog with America) and, as you said, the missile defense shield (not specifically the idea of a shield and research towards completing it, but the bull-headed way the Bush admin has gone about it).
But the U.N. Taskforce, such as it is, is there's no binding force behind it, and even U.N. sanctioned operations are considered at large as U.S. imperialism. I'm thinking specifically of U.N. intervention in Somalia in the early 90s. The U.S. led U.N. force was originally tasked with ensuring that humanitarian aid was distributed fairly and to those who needed it, in the context of a "Mad Max" esque conflict between "warlords." The mission mutated, for understandable reasons, into U.N. sanctioned actions against a particular warlord, Aidid. After this missions underwent what might be seen as a minor setback in the grand scheme of things, the U.S. pulled out of the U.N. taskforce due to domestic pressures. The conflict is perceived by and large as a defeat of american imperialism, not as a defest for the U.N. taskforce and the goals of the U.N., which it really was. |