Hello again everybody.
First off, thanks to everybody who contributed to Plucky Duck #1. It busted me at the bank, but it was great stuff and resulted in me getting some good contacts for professional series which will hopefully see the light of day at some point (keep your eyes out for PETER PRIAPUS, a 4-issue series about scuzzy ultramodern pirates done by me & Nelson Evergreen, hopefully out of Slave Labor). We got 1000 copies out and the response was generally good.
Now, in order to make back the $450 I lost on issue two, I'm going to do something absurd: publish a second one. So I need your submissions again, please!
Once again, the rules are: anything goes except superheroes (despite this not being true for issue #1). Team-ups welcome. No copyrighted characters. No explicit porno. Submissions can be from 1-8 pages long. You can mail them to me (request my mailing address by emailing jlouv@cats.ucsc.edu) or email them to me. Hard copies should be B&W, 8 1/2" by 11"–no originals. Computer files need to be 300 dpi TIFF or JPGs (emphasis on the dpi, many people didn't get their comics published because of this tidbit).
The deadline this time around is November 10.
I also welcome contributions–thanks again for all who contributed on the last issue. I have worked out a much easier and safer way to donate cash to the project, directly through my university. Go to:
https://urnet.ucsc.edu/secure/pledge.html. When you donate, MAKE SURE to write "STUDENT MEDIA – PLUCKY DUCK COMICS" in the box that says "If 'Other' please indicate designation' in the Gift Information section–that will make sure it goes directly to the project's funds. Otherwise the money will go to the University of California for use in dirty biochemical weapons research, and nobody wants that!
Thanks again, all. |