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I'm utterly convinced

Molly Shortcake
02:40 / 31.01.02

I used to joke about Cheney being Co-president. Not anymore. Watch the SotU. Check out the difference in body language between the two. This guy makes policy.

The President might as well be a computer generated image. All hail King Cheney.

[ 31-01-2002: Message edited by: Lord Rugal Ultimate ]
05:37 / 31.01.02
if bush is just a computer generated image then i might actually sleep better at night. or start demanding that he be replaced by max headroom.

in the pic bush looks like an 'anxious to please' child. both the blokes behind him (forgive my ignorance for not knowing which one is cheney - the one on the left?) look far more aware.
15:04 / 31.01.02
You're right, junior is just there for show. But it's really his old man calling the shots.
17:05 / 31.01.02
quote:Originally posted by shortfatdyke:
...both the blokes behind him look far more aware...

Or just plain sinister. Look out behind you, Mr Bush!
Molly Shortcake
02:09 / 01.02.02
...Stay as close to the script as's for your own good.....
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