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Having trouble forgetting launched sigils

02:27 / 20.09.02
I've been having trouble with sigils. Namely, I've tried many of them and none seem to have worked at all. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong but I think it's because I have trouble forgetting them (even if the sigil launched is for a small, minor thing I don't care about). I mean, how can you force yourself to forget something? Reminding myself to forget about it just makes me remember it again. And it's kind of hard to forget magical acts.

By forget, do they mean forget totally (which I think is impossible) or just don't dwell on it if the memory/thought arises?
03:34 / 20.09.02
I've had the same problem- if I make a sigil I can keep in my head long enough to charge it, I can't get rid of it. I've taken the slacker approach and just ditched the method altogether.
De Selby
04:59 / 20.09.02
well, to forget mine, I destroy each step in the creation process just after moving onto the next step. so

1) write out intent
2) remove double letters
3) destroy original intent
4) remove vowels
5) destroy single-lettered intent
6) randomise letters
7) destroy vowel-less intent
8) make symbol of intent (ie. sigil)
9) destroy randomised letter intent
10) fire at will
11) destroy sigil

so hopefully by the time you get to the sigil you can't remember the original intent. However, if this doesn't work, I read (on this board incidentally) that making lots of sigils and then firing whatever sigil you pick randomly makes remembering a lot more difficult.

I suppose you could combine both these methods to make doubly sure.

keep in mind, a sigil is an abstract symbol of the original intent. It shouldn't, just upon looking at it, remind you of your intent consciously. Try making your sigils more fucked up, and less like something you'd see normally.

or maybe you could make as many as possible, as much as possible, and just increase your chances at getting it right. If nothing else, the practise will make it worthwhile...

or you could always just not think about it...
07:32 / 20.09.02
I know exactly what you mean. Had (still have) the same problem. I realised I was getting obsessed about proving the method to myself so I stoped doing 'em for ages. Some ideas to forget include being really busy with loadsa stuff, getting stoned a lot or as Alex mentions above, writing out a load then losing 'em charging them later. I think overall developing a unattached, relaxed attitude towards your desires/goals helps as well. Doing sigils for internal goals/personal change rather than making them manifest in the outside world seems to help as well.
Alternatively, you could go off and try something altogether different, something sufficiently dramatic to make you believe in it. be it sorcery-based (goals and desires) or some other method of self-exploration.
10:04 / 20.09.02
Don't worry about not being able to forget sigils, it's the intent you're not supposed to dwell on. You know, don't go around thinking, "I hope that sigil for winning the lottery is working" . Don't obsess about the result.

I have a pretty bad track record with sigils I think one or two of the ten I charged actually worked. After charging them I busied myself with thinking about other things.

If you're really having that much trouble with sigils, construct yourself a servitor or two. That's what I'm in the process of doing and I've found it to be a great deal easier than sigils since there's none of this "forget about the intent".
12:24 / 20.09.02
Whoops, I should have said it was the intent I had trouble forgetting.

I usually forget what the sigil looks like as the ones I do I deliberatly design them to make them harder to remember (and I always destroy it after dwelling on it). I've heard of the technique of doing a whole batch of them, just haven't got around to trying it (too lazy). I think it was Phil Hine who suggested designing a bunch, hiding them at random spots, then launching them weeks later as you re-discover them. Interesting idea.
12:30 / 20.09.02
oh yeah, something I forgot to add, I actually did try making a servitor a few months back, before I went on vacation I created a servitor named "Icegard" to guard the house from harm while we were gone. I'm not sure it worked very well as the cat got sick (and died a month later) and we had to cut our vacation short. Nothing bad happened to the house itself though.:\
14:25 / 20.09.02
Might it work, if one had a partner who was also practicing, to exchange sigils and have the other charge them, not knowing what they were for? Or would then any benefit one is hoping to get be transferred onto the charger?
16:53 / 20.09.02
Note that this is one of the primary purposes of a banishing rit. For example, the lesser rit of the pentigram, or anything similar. Grounding meditations also work, middle pillar exercises, zen, tai chi, anything that will require the majority of your focus to complete. The act of 'clearing the air' with one of these rituals is also an effect of clearing your mind. So, for example, you visualize the memory or obsession on the sigel as an energy form or servitor, and then banish it from your area so it can't make you think about it anymore. Keep in mind that magick is one part energy/spirit work and one part mental tricks, often one being a focus for the other

That's why the recommended tactic for sigel work is to begin and end with a banishing. That way, you can focus on the work, and then remove the work from your mind to return to "normal" space more effectively.
17:52 / 20.09.02
it may sound weird, but i`m never able to FORGET the intent completely, after charging im just focusing my mind to completely other things and do not think about it. And my sigils were always working.
19:36 / 20.09.02
You don't really have to completely forget the intent, just seperate yourself from the working. Look at it this way: when you charge a sigel or preform a working of some kind, you are puting energy towards a framework designed to manifest your intent. What you want to do is stop sending that energy, disconnect yourself from that framework so it can do its thing. Basicly, you just have to disconnect yourself enough that you are not continuously thinking/visualizing/energizing the sigel anymore. Then, the magick is free to work as it will without your direction.
19:41 / 20.09.02
funny, first thing I usually do after charging a sigil is cleaning up.
07:38 / 21.09.02
Sypha - maybe the servitor was trying to do it's job, and thought the cat was something the house needed protecting from? Servitors can be odd things (as recent experience has shown). They're like computer programs: you have to get the coding EXACTLY right, or they can go wrong in all kinds of interesting ways.

As to the issue of forgetting intent, the key is, as has been pointed out, to not DWELL on the intent. This includes not forcing yourself to forget. I find a background in meditation helps with this: in meditation, rather than forcing down any random thoughts that may arise, you're taught to just observe them and let them fade out. If i find myself thinking about a ritual after I've done it, I tend to do that as well.

Oh, and I often wash the dishes after doing any magickal work, because I find it a great way of moving back into the everyday mindset.
The resistable rise of Reidcourchie
10:46 / 22.09.02
As well as obsessing on the intent, I find I have problems with the visualisation of the launching of the sigil. I just cannot get the damn things to work.

Is it possible/a good idea to get other people to power them for you? For example if you both create sigils and then swap?
14:38 / 22.09.02
Care to experiment resistable rise of Reidcourchie? If you had a scanner you could scan a sigil and e-mail it to me, and vice-versa.

Hell, I'll try this with anyone who's game.
The resistable rise of Reidcourchie
14:08 / 24.09.02
Yes actually. It'll take me a little while to set up as I don't have a scanner but I could ask someone to scan it for me. Also I need to sort out my visualisation somehow otherwise I'll be of no use to you.
15:02 / 24.09.02
Ok cool, just e-mail it to me when you're all set and I'll do likewise, no rush. My e-mail address is on my profile but I'll post it here anyway:

For anyone wondering why "Mundt", watch Barton Fink and you'll get it.
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