well, to forget mine, I destroy each step in the creation process just after moving onto the next step. so
1) write out intent
2) remove double letters
3) destroy original intent
4) remove vowels
5) destroy single-lettered intent
6) randomise letters
7) destroy vowel-less intent
8) make symbol of intent (ie. sigil)
9) destroy randomised letter intent
10) fire at will
11) destroy sigil
so hopefully by the time you get to the sigil you can't remember the original intent. However, if this doesn't work, I read (on this board incidentally) that making lots of sigils and then firing whatever sigil you pick randomly makes remembering a lot more difficult.
I suppose you could combine both these methods to make doubly sure.
keep in mind, a sigil is an abstract symbol of the original intent. It shouldn't, just upon looking at it, remind you of your intent consciously. Try making your sigils more fucked up, and less like something you'd see normally.
or maybe you could make as many as possible, as much as possible, and just increase your chances at getting it right. If nothing else, the practise will make it worthwhile...
or you could always just not think about it... |