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Icke was right!

Ethan Hawke
11:10 / 30.01.02
George Bush has the resting pulse of a cold blooded lizard:

Bush's underreported BradyCardia

basically, what the article above states is that Bush has a resting pulse of between 35 and 50 beats per minute. Can you imagine? I bet his blood congeals in the winter too.

Also this, another Bush adminstration official has lesions removed:

Ashcroft has Lesions Removed

Undoubtedly, these lesions were caused by the stress of transforming from human flesh to lizard scales. And we all know that Dick Cheney has been trapped in lizard form for months, up until his appearance last night at the State of the Union address.
11:17 / 30.01.02
See now, Todd, you're joking when you say this...
Naked Flame
11:20 / 30.01.02
Don't think it's lizard-to-human transmogrification trauma. I mean, seriously...

The article states that the lesions were due to him spending too long in the sun... ha! cold-blooded! rumbled!
Ethan Hawke
11:21 / 30.01.02
Well, there's a big, flat rock outside the Justice Department for a reason now, isn't there?
Molly Shortcake
13:57 / 03.02.02
You guys have seen V right?
15:11 / 03.02.02
edited by international conspirators with scales

[ 03-02-2002: Message edited by: Ganesh v4.2 ]
Mourne Kransky
15:54 / 03.02.02
you shouldn't be so flippant, especially not now that the Royal Lizards of the Netherlands are going to interbreed with the genes of Argentinian coup minister /cattle rancher. the auguries could barely be worse. we should have listened to the warnings from the Greenland station.
Molly Shortcake
19:05 / 03.02.02
Inside the White House

The resistable rise of Reidcourchie
19:08 / 03.02.02
I find it worrying that I could so readily accept that caption as true.

I need to stop reading pulp trash. Maybe an evening at the theatre.
Molly Shortcake
02:25 / 05.02.02
quote:These facts include the following:

A) All reptiles have scales,

B) All are cold-blooded,

C) All lay eggs,

D) All reptiles with well-developed limbs have clawed toes,

E) THERE ARE 'LIZARDS' WITH ELONGATED SNAKE-LIKE BODIES - A TYPE OF 'MISSING LINK' BETWEEN THE LIZARDS AND THE SNAKES, F) THE MODERN EVIDENCE (SCIENTIFIC) INDICATES THAT ALL MODERN SNAKES ONCE (IN THE DISTANT ANCESTRAL PAST) POSSESSED LIMBS WHICH BECAME "ATROPHIED" THROUGH NON-USE, perhaps due to the fact that they BECAME aquatic or semi-aquatic creatures (Note: Snakes incidentally bare both aquatic AND land creatures, and can travel through either environment, as evidenced by the fact that snakes have often been seen swimming across rivers and lakes, etc. Not only Holy Scripture, but scientific evidence as well, indicates that "snakes" at one time in the ancient past had limbs but lost them in the process of time, while other reptilian species, at least for the present, have retained their limbs - Branton), G) REPTILES WITH

quote:The original "Nachash" was not actually a "snake" as most people believe, but actually an extremely intelligent, cunning creature possessed with the ability to speak and reason. It also stood upright as we've said, as did many of it's descendants, the small "saurian" predators which ambled about on two legs. Many of these reptilian creatures retained their bi-pedal form while others mutated via natural selection, adaptation and atrophication into the other "saurian" species.

quote: some time in the ancient past an Asian prince and his followers had learned that a subterranean race of reptilian-like hominoids were causing a great deal of harm in the surface world through their attempts to manipulate the minds of those on the surface through "witchcraft" and "sorcery". This Asian prince eventually led an army of followers into the tunnels and caverns below central Asia and encountered the reptilian or "lizard" people. After a considerable conflict the reptilians-saurians were driven out of these ancient caverns and the (antediluvian?) subterranean cities which later became known as "Agharta". Ever since that time the reptilians, according to Dickhoff, have been plotting a re- takeover of these caverns and have been using occult "channels" to spread propaganda which would favor their cause.

Cult of the Serpent
Molly Shortcake
01:53 / 08.02.02

"A ruthless terrorist organization bent on world domination"

Those of us who have seen G.I Joe the movie know that Cobra Commander really *is* a reptile from the center of the Earth.

And then there's this guy Serpentor who's got living snake shoulders. Genetically enginered from the DNA of King Tut, Attila the Hun, Hitler, Cobra Commander and Sargent Slaughter (among others) by the notorious center of the Earth reptilions, Cobra-la. Not to mention appearing as the final boss in SEGAs Fighting Vipers series (albiet incognito).

Coincidence? I think not.

[ 08-02-2002: Message edited by: Lord Rugal Ultimate ]
The Return Of Rothkoid
08:15 / 08.02.02
Serpentor! Serpen-tor! The most evil foe of GI Joe! GI Joe!

Great. Now I can't get that out of my head. You bastards.
14:09 / 10.02.02
Am i the only one who would actually be relieved if Bush did turn out to be a reptillian supervillain from the Earth's core? It just seems a bit less scary to me.
The Voice of Reason
09:12 / 11.02.02
quote:Originally posted by Lord Rugal Ultimate:
These facts include the following:
A) All reptiles have scales,

B) All are cold-blooded,

C) All lay eggs,

D) All reptiles with well-developed limbs have clawed toes,

E) THERE ARE 'LIZARDS' WITH ELONGATED SNAKE-LIKE BODIES - A TYPE OF 'MISSING LINK' BETWEEN THE LIZARDS AND THE SNAKES, F) THE MODERN EVIDENCE (SCIENTIFIC) INDICATES THAT ALL MODERN SNAKES ONCE (IN THE DISTANT ANCESTRAL PAST) POSSESSED LIMBS WHICH BECAME "ATROPHIED" THROUGH NON-USE, perhaps due to the fact that they BECAME aquatic or semi-aquatic creatures (Note: Snakes incidentally bare both aquatic AND land creatures, and can travel through either environment, as evidenced by the fact that snakes have often been seen swimming across rivers and lakes, etc. Not only Holy Scripture, but scientific evidence as well, indicates that "snakes" at one time in the ancient past had limbs but lost them in the process of time, while other reptilian species, at least for the present, have retained their limbs - Branton), G) REPTILES WITH

minor corrections to be made...

not all reptiles lay eggs. many boas, all rattlesnakes, and garter snakes all give live birth. this may have been how W was born, as i dont think anyone would have been stupid enough to actually incubate the egg he would have hatched out of.

all snakes can swim, and are good swimmers. this includes arid species that have never seen standing water. irrelevant, but an interesting fact none the less.

ectotherms, including reptiles, derive body heat and metabolism from a combination of internal clock and outside heat. without heat, metabolism effectively slows. this reduces heart rate, stops digestion, slows breathing, and in many temperate species, causes brumation(reptilian hibernation)

is this what happened to W?? i mean, how many people think he actually choked on a pretzel?

you'd think they would keep those heat lamps in working order in the middle of winter...hahahaha

either that or the obvious, he's sitting there with an 8-ball and a couple cases of beer...

Nationalism is the cancer of society
-Albert Einstein

[ 11-02-2002: Message edited by: The Voice of Reason ]
10:06 / 11.02.02
How many eggs do reptiles tend to lay?
Because i've just had a vision of a CIA storage facility full of thousands of eggs fathered by George Bush Sr, just waiting to be thawed, hatched and bring about the End Times.

This is kind of fun.
Mr Tricks
22:09 / 12.02.02
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