Something not good is going on. Last night I was working on projecting myconsciousness. I sat quietly and calmed myself, took repetitive deep breaths, my normal routine when I do projection. I don’t do it often, but I do it carefully. I felt energy flow into me and I pictured, formed it into a representation of myself. I put my consciousness into the energy body and proceeded to leave my room and go outside. I had barely exited my room (which is in the basement, so I have a door to the outside from my room), when I realized I desperately wanted to go up the stairs onto my deck. I began to
climb up the stairs when suddenly I was shocked. I mean I felt like my energywas electrically shocked complete with the *zzzzeit* sound and everything. It ruined my entire concentration and I slowly felt my energy begin to dissolve as my consciousness returned to my real body. It felt like something truly didn’t want me climbing those stairs. I’ve tried projection before and never felt anything like this. Never even heard of anything like this. Felt like a
presence was keeping me from my deck and I can’t imagine why.
Help? |