Sebastian wrote: get that awful thing out of human sight, as much as possible, when it is not being used of course. ...There are some neat and elegant furniture pieces to this end...Either you do it now or I will if I ever get to visit you, May.
Yes sir!, right away Sir! ...hehehe
I completely agree with you on this point Sebastian. I still watch TV sometimes and my son watches Sesame Street (geez, is that healthy? hmm, maybe that is another thread?) so, I have opted to just have basic cable instead of 55 channels of shit. It is such a distraction! One way I found to deal with the telly was to drape a tablecloth over it but my son, now a toddler, is inclined to pull on anything loose like that. Especially if he thinks he might get a hold of The Endless figures I have a shrine for.
Interestingly enough though, a friend of mine is moving from a very large home to an elegant yet much smaller condo and has asked me to go through their home for peices I might like to have. I believe there is a chest I could convert to house the TV in, out of sight and under the control of my will instead of the remotes!
That brings me to the point that Mr Illmatic made about the TV seeming like a shrine to aliens. You know, I do not think that they would be too far off the mark! I have heard this comment before although I cannot remember where. The voice and face of G.O.D (graphic on-screen display)! It would be no wonder either. Most homes have the TV as the focal point of the room they are in and often, there will be a TV in most rooms! This is exactly what I am trying to avoid. I want to downplay the dominant presence a TV can have so it does not become a slovenly edifice that distracts me from my magickal work.
Iszillabelle, I really like the bell idea. I have used one before while practicing Tibetan buddhism but it may have had other functions then. I think I can incorporate this into my morning ritual. Do you think it would be better to use a large bell with deep tones or a small, higher pitched bell? Oh yes, do you or anyone else have a link to the Fountain of light ritual?
Now the most difficult problem of the watertable. I do not exactly have much choice about my bedroom. It is where it is but, I was thinking of turning my bed so that it is inline with the flow of downhill current of the water or is that not such a good idea? Is there some way to use other elements to balance this out? I really do understand the point you made about the influence it has on your sleep, Fondula. I find it hard to sleep and when I do it is quite deep and not conducive to dreaming practice. Unfortunately, I have to sleep in that room.
Oh!, and Sebastian, if you are ever on the Eastcoast of Canada feel free to let me know. A visit from you would be most welcome. 
I will be sure to have the TV tucked away by then!
~MT |