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Barbelith presents... anti-war action!

autopilot disengaged
22:30 / 13.09.02
ok. so, this time last year, myself and some other barbeloids set up a site to act as a resource for anti-war info and etc: stand up kookymojo, flyboy, naked flame and frances farmer (kooky especially, worked above and beyond - R.E.S.P.E.C.T.)

now that everything's looking ominous again, i thought we should reprise the project. with myself and the other originals as moderators, but anyone who wants to as contributor.

whaddya say, you decadent, first-world scum?
15:52 / 16.09.02
What does it involve?
autopilot disengaged
19:41 / 16.09.02
setting up a blogee-stylee site and using it to archive relevant links, stories and personal commentary. essentially acting as a resource.
Matthew Fluxington
21:01 / 16.09.02
I'll help, if it just means posting relevant links and such.

Count me in.
13:40 / 20.09.02
I periodically get sent stuff from the Brixton Stop The War Coalition, I could send the emails to you for posting up when they arrive if you want?
16:15 / 20.09.02
Do you intend to link it to indymedia? Just wondering.
17:01 / 20.09.02

if yr hoping to affect some changes in yr circle of friends, might i suggest that you hunt down a copy of the videotape that I detail in the hit list?

there are journos about here, and if i - sitting in greenland - know about it then chances are some of them can get it for you. its one weapon that we have to challenge our 'leaders' instead of wallowing in passivity.
autopilot disengaged
21:07 / 21.09.02

anyway, am having real trouble resurrecting peace in my time site. technical brick wall. have made all previous contributors administrators.

can YOU help?
autopilot disengaged
21:10 / 21.09.02
stitch that. it's working now (i think).

k, flux, angel, i'll add you to the line-up. if anyone else wants to clamber on board - do it. we only have one world to fuck up.
jUne, a sunshiny month
07:24 / 23.09.02
i'm pretty busy at the moment but i got infos in french, i dunno if it can be of any use... and i linked peaceinmytime on my blog, too.
13:43 / 24.09.02
You might could use this link:

which takes you to this image:

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