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Now don't get me wrong, it ain't just the States...

06:43 / 20.01.02
Where dat moral high ground go?

Hmmm. Pavement calling the dog's arse shitty, anyone? (And apologies to any US 'lithers if I've been to vehement about their government's treatment of prisoners. Mea culpa.)
I'm really pissed off now.
14:40 / 20.01.02
i've been listening to l.b.c. radio a lot recently and there was a phone in on this. some of the views were really scary, i.e. it doesn't matter if this kind of treatment is illegal or not, 'they' don't deserve anything else.... one bloke even suggested that anyone here complaining about treatment given to the prisoners would rather they be "flown to the uk at taxpayer' expense, given council homes and loads of free money"..... rational debate is hard to come by but yeah, we (the uk) aren't exactly making great strides for human rights here either.....

[edited to add:] just been reading about the prisoners suffering sensory deprivation. reminded me of the treatment dished out to the ira birmingham bombing suspects in the 70s. you know, the ones that hadn't been tried at that time and who were released a few years back because they were not guilty. we don't seem to have come much further since then.

[ 20-01-2002: Message edited by: shortfatdyke ]
15:12 / 20.01.02
<edited for me going off half-cocked>
I bet the Burmese Junta and all the other little military dictatorships are laughing their ass off. 'But we're only following the US and Great Britain's example'

Jesus but I suppose we were ahead of the game on Internment by 30 years, you'd have think we'd have learned by now.

I mean MI5 and the CIA made their biggest cock-up in history and how do we treat them? Government equiries and resignations by those in charge...ooooh no, lets give these incompetants more powers to arrest people with.

If David Shaylor was the best MI5 had I suppose we shouldn't be that shocked.

Still the come down along with the embarassing court cases and the massive awards for abusing their humans rights should be comming in about 5-10 years or so.

[ 20-01-2002: Message edited by: invisible_al ]
Naked Flame
22:03 / 20.01.02
I was very disturbed by the photos from the Cuban camp. I'm equally disturbed by the thought that something similar is happening in Britain.

I give you- The Humane Society for Putting Bags over Suspect's Heads.
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