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The Barbelith Interview: Tom Coates

Tom Coates
21:25 / 08.09.02
Part One... (Part Two to follow tomorrow)

Define your perfect teenhood, and how far away was your own from that ideal?

Ooh. Now that's a nasty fucking question. Er. I don't know really. I guess it would be one where you were good at sports and at academic subjects, where you were calm and relaxed, where you were the right height for your age, where you got a fair amount of sex and had reasonable and non-controlling parents. And I would say that my teenage life was pretty damn far away from that!

What are the last five albums you've bought, over what timeframe did you buy them, and what do you think of them?

God another difficult question. Er I got the Royksopp album, and I love that. I think that's really really cool. I got Stevie Wonder's Innervisions, but I haven't had a chance to listen to it yet. Pilfered Moorcheeba's Charango and the Cruel Intentions soundtrack off a friend, but haven't listened to them much either. The Air remix album Everybody Hertz was ok, but not spectacular. Other than that it's probably the Lemon Jelly EPs or Joni Mitchell's Blue. I've got the next Aimee Mann and a Breeders single arriving in the next couple of days as well... I tend not to buy as much music as I did when i was in my early/mid twenties, but I suppose I buy a couple of albums a month at least.

As a film student, do I still have something valid to offer society?

Yes! Yes! Yes! What is wrong with everyone!? As a student of anything, if you're prepared to engage with issues, think about things and actually think then you're more than valid, you're valuable. You're crucial. You're representative of the last stage of man before super-heroes become the norm.

Just how important are the Pixies? In terms relating to you and to the world at large, and on a scale of Nirvana to World Peace.

There is nothing more important in this world that's more important than the Pixies, except my younger brother. Buffy is equally important, World Peace is equally important.

Which posters do you always enjoy reading (and why)?

Hmm. I'm not sure I really want to answer that question! Although Nick, Ganesh and Crunchy are always good company. There are lots, actually... But I don't really want to go into detail...

You always seem to have a lot of good ideas for threads. Why do you often choose not to start them?

This is an interesting one. First reason first - I simply don't have time to post on the board as much as I would like, and as such I don't have time to start all the conversations that I'd like. The second reason is probably commitment - I once had a conversation with someone which suggested that I'd start conversations and then abandon them for everyone else to talk through. The main reason I did this was to start conversations, but it was pointed out to me that this wasn't necessarily the best way of doing things. That if I was going to start a conversation I had to be around for the long-haul. I think that's fairly reasonable, actually. Finally I honestly believe that it's not just up to me to start debates. I can demonstrate that there are loads of questions that could be being talked about, but I think it's up to everyone to actually start these debates... My role here is a bit like a uber moderator - it's up to me to keep the culture on track as much as it is to participate. And keeping the culture on track means helping other people get into an inquisitive and questioning frame of mind...

Can you come up with two threads for the Magick forum (title, brief introductory post and abstract)? What do you think of the Magick forum itself?

Honestly? As the Magick forum stands at the moment I don't think I could! I think the Magick forum represents one of the most active and engaged magickal communities on the web and I don't understand any of it!

Do you think you'd be happier without Barbelith in your life?

Fundamentally, basically, essentially - no. Barbelith is for me a mix of things. It's a group of people I respect, it's a place of conversations that I want to be involved in, it's an experiment in future online community development and at least in part it's something that I've been instrumental in bringing to light. I do think of it as an achievement and something for us all to be proud of.

Having said that, it is a strain to maintain. It's been going in one form or another longer than my weblog has, which means it's been going for at least three years. And for the last year it's been difficult because of people like Andrew. But for the moment the good definitely outweighs the bad...

I know that you have struggled through lean times to keep this board alive, what was your prime motivation in these times, And what do you think was the true motivation?

My prime motivation and my true motivation are probably the same. Almost certainly it's been to make me feel that I've done something useful in my life that people like and enjoy and are prepared to participate in. It may not be a great reason or the purest motivation, but hey...

What have you learned from the threads that you've read but not contributed to in the last week?

In the last week... Well that's a tricky since I can unfortunately not claim to have been involved in the board much in the last week. Work has become over-involved. I'll be back on in a few days when I've blasted through writing the spec for another community site for UpMyStreet.

Round up of easier / faster questions: Nothing amusing has ever happened to me, let alone pertaining to a spoon. I can hold my breath forever but I tend to die in the process. I have never warn the underwear of the opposite sex. Ever. I don't really know the truth of Candida - although I'd like to know. Certainly since I cut down on sugars and carbs I've felt healthier and slimmer, although I do keep falling over and getting headaches, which isn't entirely good. I did not know that Tom means 'empty' in another language. I'm not sure I believe it either. Having said that, it would explain a lot. To the person who asked about my cock size, you'll have to elect the hottest male barbelite (I've got a couple in mind) to see for themselves... My favourite foods are pasta and pizza, but I'm not eating either of those at the moment, so hey. If I had to have sex with a Doctor Who it would be Peter Davison without a shadow of a doubt, because I had a bit of a crush on him in A Very Peculiar Practice. I'm not a bad cook, but I'm not a great one either. I can't normally be bothered with it, and I've taken to buying packet meals and eat them all the time. My best piece of cooking is probably Salt Beef and Latkes though.

Ninja or Pirate?

I say I'm ninja. Nick thinks I'm pirate.
Saint Keggers
00:15 / 09.09.02
"Yes! Yes! Yes! What is wrong with everyone!? As a student of anything , if you're prepared to engage with issues, think about things and actually think then you're more than valid, you're valuable. You're crucial. You're representative of the last stage of man before super-heroes become the norm. "
Wow..that was a kick in the head when I needed it. Thanks Tom.
P.S..You're sooo pirate.
03:00 / 09.09.02
If I may be permitted to commit a one-liner, I agree that Tom is a pirate. This is a totally pirate web site. A ninja web site would disappear into the shadows and everyone would post in secret so nobody could read what they were thinking. Kind of like my quiet, undisclosed web site.
Tom Coates
17:02 / 09.09.02
Just a quick question, really. Do people honestly want me to write the rest of this?
17:16 / 09.09.02
Yes! How is it, being interviewed? Is it like a huge writing assignment? Would follow-up questions be a burden?
17:38 / 09.09.02
Tom is a Ninja. So there you have it.

*does ninja dance(inside cloud of smoke)*
Lurid Archive
17:57 / 09.09.02
Tom, yes. We'd like you to finish. I would, anyway.
Saint Keggers
18:55 / 09.09.02
Indeed, Tom.
We're The Great Old Ones Now
19:15 / 09.09.02
You're a Pirate. Everyone listens to Pirates.
20:21 / 09.09.02

"I did not know that Tom means 'empty' in another language. I'm not sure I believe it either."

You are in for a rude surprise. Plug your first name in the Danish-English hole at
The Apple-Picker
00:03 / 11.09.02
We still haven't forgotten about the remaining questions, sir.
Tom Coates
09:09 / 11.09.02
Apologies. I'll attempt to fit it into my schedule today.
We're The Great Old Ones Now
09:20 / 11.09.02
You'll notice I have avoided asking probing questions. I expect to be bought stuff for my restraint. Possibly a small island. With sharks.
The Apple-Picker
17:59 / 25.09.02
*twiddles thumbs*

I can be very patient... persistent, too.
22:15 / 25.09.02

Just how happy are you that, on friday, Donnie "How fucking late does this film want to be?!" Darko gets a release? You know, AT LAST.

And it's tag line is "Dark, Darker, Darko"- good choice?
21:54 / 05.10.03
Did anything ever come of part two?
Tom Coates
11:25 / 07.10.03
I can't remember what the questions were. IF someone resends them, I'll answer them (sorry).
Char Aina
23:51 / 28.04.04
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