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Moderators vs Fictionsuits

11:11 / 07.09.02
In the "never read a book" thread in The Conversation, Auszilla commented after posts by Jade:

Considering you are a moderator, I can only say that I'm surprised at this.

And in the "trolling" thread in The Policy, Persephone said:

Honestly, this was the first time that my moderator hat and my Persephone hat were not the same hat.

Which has raised an interesting question. Are moderators expected to act a certain way when posting? Should they behave more responsibly than other members are expected to? Is it possible to utilise your fiction suit and moderator responsibilities, or "hats" as Perseph called them, in different ways? Can you be an opinionated, abrasive, argumentative, caustic son-of-a-gun while in ficsuit mode, but become responsible and egalitarian moderator "behind the scenes"? Are moderators like prefects, or just people who do an extra bit of work to keep the board on an even keel?

Any thoughts?
The Strobe
11:58 / 07.09.02

It's a tough question to answer. I mean, one thing I would expect a moderator posting to do would be to try and spark off discussion in the forum, or keep stuff moving along nicely rather than letting lots of threads pop up and die. That's not too hard, and it appears to be done relatively well (even if I haven't done it for a while - haven't been in a posting phase, sadly).

But you've always got to be aware of the power you wield. Deep down inside, you're just good ol' Sax, but you can't ever forget that you're name's at the top of the screen as a Moderator in a forum, say. It's not like a UBB scheme, where you'd be marked as a moderator on EVERY POST you made. That'd be too intrusive. But I think people SHOULD know who the mods are, because in a policing role, you're there to be helpful and offer advice; not just trollguard and postedit.

I think it's possible to merge the two aspects, moderator and suit. I mean, most of the moderators are relatively experienced 'Lith hacks, and so have fitted nicely into place already. Moderation is just a sideline, to keep it running smoothly.

In summation: you have to behave more responsibly, sure. You're the school prefect, now live up to the responsibility. But you're still "just a guy", and in other fora you're NOT a mod, right? You can't beahve differently with the modsuit and ficsuit because they have the same name. And we're not really into multiple suits here. So we're just going to have to be careful.

And to respond to that question: moderates are like prefects. I'd say that IS someone who does extra work to keep it on an even keel - remember, most school prefects wielded only advisory power - keeping their peers in check, making suggestions to the Powers That Be, but without the guarantee of action by those Powers, and without the ability to directly Be Powerful.
13:19 / 07.09.02
I think there's also possibly a difference in the way you act depending on in what capacity you're acting... if my ficsuit is having a day of arguing drunkenly, I think my mod hat should mean that I'd deal with requests in a more sensible way. A ficsuit has opinions, and is allowed- well, I'd probably say encouraged- to express them. A mod should, within the confines of whatever consensus dictates "good" behaviour on the board is, be as impartial as possible.
Although I'd hope that, while one of the functions of a mod is to spark discussion, etc., ficsuits of non-mods would be doing this too. As usually sems to be the case.
14:47 / 09.09.02
Can you be an opinionated, abrasive, argumentative, caustic son-of-a-gun while in ficsuit mode, but become responsible and egalitarian moderator "behind the scenes"?
Of course! I think that's the way it should be.
The Return Of Rothkoid
13:57 / 12.09.02
I tend to find that in Fora I moderate, I'm more likely to be circumspect and level-headed. That's not to say I don't turn into the yammering arse I am everywhere else, just that it's hidden a little better.
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