It's a tough question to answer. I mean, one thing I would expect a moderator posting to do would be to try and spark off discussion in the forum, or keep stuff moving along nicely rather than letting lots of threads pop up and die. That's not too hard, and it appears to be done relatively well (even if I haven't done it for a while - haven't been in a posting phase, sadly).
But you've always got to be aware of the power you wield. Deep down inside, you're just good ol' Sax, but you can't ever forget that you're name's at the top of the screen as a Moderator in a forum, say. It's not like a UBB scheme, where you'd be marked as a moderator on EVERY POST you made. That'd be too intrusive. But I think people SHOULD know who the mods are, because in a policing role, you're there to be helpful and offer advice; not just trollguard and postedit.
I think it's possible to merge the two aspects, moderator and suit. I mean, most of the moderators are relatively experienced 'Lith hacks, and so have fitted nicely into place already. Moderation is just a sideline, to keep it running smoothly.
In summation: you have to behave more responsibly, sure. You're the school prefect, now live up to the responsibility. But you're still "just a guy", and in other fora you're NOT a mod, right? You can't beahve differently with the modsuit and ficsuit because they have the same name. And we're not really into multiple suits here. So we're just going to have to be careful.
And to respond to that question: moderates are like prefects. I'd say that IS someone who does extra work to keep it on an even keel - remember, most school prefects wielded only advisory power - keeping their peers in check, making suggestions to the Powers That Be, but without the guarantee of action by those Powers, and without the ability to directly Be Powerful. |