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China blocks access to search engines

10:11 / 06.09.02
China blocks access to two main search engines

Looks like controls on what chinese people are allowed to see on the net are being tightened ahead Communist Party meeting in November during which the country's leadership is expected to be overhauled.

So do people think this is a worrying sign of the future shape of new chinese policies or something else
14:25 / 06.09.02
Will it actually work, though? That's my question.
Fist Fun
14:54 / 06.09.02
That sounds worrying and quite possibly ineffectual. The article seems to say that they banned google because of the cache mechanism which is a good way to access previously banned sites. There are other ways to get around this.

How much of a retrograde step is it for China as well? It seems to be a weak denial of the infomatization of society. Which is surely the wrong way to go. This kind of ban on internet use can hardly be good for the economy, education, social welfare...
Our Lady of The Two Towers
16:19 / 06.09.02
If it is turning in on itself, rather than just doing some liberties type banning before the ruling party get together for their jamboree... When countries like Afghanistan under the Taliban do that they tend to slowly become weaker and poorer, and are unlikely to survive in the long term. Is China robust enough to avoid this fate?
17:16 / 06.09.02
Can the genie really be put back in the bottle like that? I mean, how much do government bigwigs know about the ins and outs of the techie realm? If Congress is any indicator (insert your own joke here).
Our Lady of The Two Towers
10:44 / 07.09.02
Wow, didn't take them long to get round that

According to New Scientist, while Google may be blocked elgooG isn't...

The mirror site, called elgooG, is a parody of the English language version of Google in which all the text on the web pages has been reversed. The text terms used for searches are also entered in reverse. The site, which returns all the same hits as Google, can be accessed from behind China's "great firewall".
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