quote:Originally posted by Cherry Bomb:
A show of hands: Who thinks W is NOT in fact in charge but is kind of the idiot boyking "figurehead" who goes out and drums up support for the plans his Daddy and Uncle Cheney are actually behind?
This is exactly why I tried to stay aware of what Bush was saying, but would stop everything I was doing and listen to Cheney speak, when all this started. And you could hear it as well. Bush gave flag waving speeches that made impossible promises. My favorite being the "we'll wipe out terrorism" promise. Cheney on the other hand, seemed to be very aware of his words, and what he was saying. You got the feeling that he knew EXACTLY what he was saying. Course, I had to stop listening after awhile. Living in the Republican country that is Northern, VA. I just had to take a mental break by Oct.
MJ, might have a point, to a degree. But, even if Bush THINKS he's somewhat in control. I've got a sneeking suspicion that he's being manipulated like a puppet by the people around him.
So the question is less, is he, or isn't he, leading? And more, is he, or isn't he, AWARE he's not leading?
Course, this is all just gut feeling stuff, so what the fuck do I know? |