Stricty speaking, it probably belongs in Comics.
I thought so, too, but I also thought it overlapped w/Magick. I put it here because it'd be a collaborative effort, but I don't object to moving it.
Here's Jess Nevins's site, for reference. I don't see why the notes on Promethea shouldn't be done more or less the same way.
It's clear that Moore draws a lot from Crowley, whose work I don't know much about. I'd also like to connect the marginalia -- all those sun-masks and heiroglyphics between panels, and those shapeshifting things throughout the Immateria -- to symbols relating to what's being discussed in the panels. I'm sure there are connections, but I only have vague ideas as to what they might be. And the self-reference, such as Benny Solomon's bowl. Plus anything anyone else ferretted out.
Now that I've proposed it, I'm not sure how to proceed. I guess we should get out a notebook and reread what issues we've got, then reconvene & discuss it in some manner. |