9/11 is the new FNORD (Communists were the old one). We'll protect you from the 9/11s. The sound of 9/11 skitters around the edges of the public conversation, like a many-legged alien egglayer. Commercials don't have 9/11s in them. They're safe, for a minute. Then back to "24." Shopping malls don't have 9/11s in them either, but be alert! The 9/11s can be *anywhere.* Skitter, skitter.
Due to the effects of 9/11, we let ourselves be hypnotized about FNORDS and then went on to hypnotize others.
Due to the effects of 9/11, otherwise intelligent people have argued over the ignition temperature of steel in skyscrapers and the frame rate of the Pentagon's cameras, instead of concentrating on firing the useless, evil greedy bastards, whatever their role in 9/11, capitalized on it while everyone else was still in shock. OK, the latter was an uphill battle, obviously, but the first was an unnecessary waste of intellectual energy (and a strawman conspiracy theory to debunk less-glamorous conspiracy facts).
By the way, fuck 9/11. That's the only real answer to any politician who invokes 9/11 as a cover for more prying or profiteering. By the way, fuck Peak Oil and Global Climate Change, too, to anyone who tries to play them like 9/11. And they will. Fuck 9/11 is the sound of the definitive boot stomp on the egglayer revealed at last to be just an oversized cockroach, a stomp and a last kick of the little legs. If you want a picture of a better future, imagine a boot stomping on 9/11, forever. |