The post requesting band names inspired this one. Mostly since some of those names aren't all that bad. But we know that most crap bands have equally crap names.
So... since I don't think I'm far off in assuming that many of us have, if not been in bands, then at least were acquainted with some, I wonder if we could dredge up some of the most painfully bad band names we ever saw fit to give ourselves in our misspent youth.
For instance, in seeing a friend's band- a band opened for them that announced that they were once called "Hate Street", but they had now changed their name to "Passion Quest".
Passion Quest. Sure, I'd like to think that maybe their first name was "Haight" and not "Hate", but somehow, their faded leather jackets, receeding hairlines in American Flag bandannas and terrible covers of Pantera songs led me to believe otherwise.
So drop them in. (I suppose we could include established bands as well, but there's something intrinsically more amusing to me about amateur bands with obviously amateur names) |