Well, the generally accepted forms of Satanism nowadays (cf La Vey's Church Of Satan are based around raising the individual above society, satisfying the ego, indulging in and/or legitimising the taboo, and promoting individual misanthropy. Hardly ideal to allow people you're trying to reassimilate into society to recede further from it - I think that's what they mean by "a threat to the institutions."
But then the truly dangerous criminals will find what they're after in any religion and any holy book. With its emphasis on individual betterment and bald philosophies rendered into basic english, and being mostly free of jargon and mysticism (another of La Vey's trademarks), a lot of criminals will find it actually very boring to be a member of the Church of Satan for kicks alone. If they're genuinely into the philosophies, on the other hand, then as it's really more a way of living than anything else, there's really effectively no way they can stop observance of the main body of this satanic religion. Offshoots and small cults tend to do things differently, with more superficial panache and obfuscation. |